City board also updates code violation laws.
In a brief meeting on March 14, the Bartlett city board approved maintenance and equipment bids, held public hearings on two ordinances before they passed into law, and conducted other routine business.
The board met at Bartlett Station Municipal Center once again while renovations were being wrapped up at city hall. Mayor Keith McDonald was absent as he continues to recovery from a recent surgery.
No one spoke for or against two code violation ordinances at their public hearings, and both passed into city law. The first ordinance reduces the time frame for appealing code violations from 20 to 10 days. For details, see Ordinance 17-01 at
The second modifies how citizens are notified of code violations. Previously, the city mailed notices with a return receipt request, and many times it took a month or longer to get the receipt back from the U.S. Postal Service. Now the city can simply send a notice via first-class mail and also post a notice in front of the business, home or vacant lot. For details, see Ordinance 17-02 at
In other business, the board:
- Accepted the lower bid of $69,427 for roof maintenance at Singleton Community Center. The bid went to Accent Roofing for $69,427 plus a contingency amount of $5,000 for a cost of $74,427. RossWitt will provide construction management at a cost of $2,770, bringing the total project cost to $77,197.
- Agreed to buy and install a new water well pump at a cost of $51,920. The amount is payable to Layne, a sole-source provider.
- Accepted a bid to buy four new self-contained breathing apparatus units, 10 face masks and 14 spare bottles for the city’s fire department. The sole bidder was NAFECO for $29,256.
- Approved the permit for Bartlett Movies in the Park, a series of free movies held each summer at W.J. Freeman Park. The showings will be 7-10 p.m. on June 2, June 16, July 14 and July 28. Rain dates will be June 9, June 2, July 21 and Aug. 4.
- Approved the permit for Ellendale Baptist Church’s Easter egg hunt to be held 2-4 p.m. April 15 at the church.
- Authorized the auction of surplus property on The city will be auctioning 22 items with a potential value of $500 or more.
- Heard an announcement that the Mayor’s Youth Council will host its fourth annual bowling event, a fundraiser to fight multiple sclerosis, on Sunday, April 2. Registration is at 12:30 p.m., and bowling will start at 1 p.m. The city’s police officers and firefighters are challenging each other as participants in the event. Application forms are at Andy B’s Bartlett Entertainment center. Four-person teams can enter for $15 per person.
Written by Carolyn Bahm, Express editor. Contact her at (901) 433-9138, or