At the Feb. 28 business meeting, Bartlett’s city board took the next step to speed up the handling of code violations. They had the second reading of two ordinance amendments:
- The first reduces the time frame for appealing code violations. Currently, the ordinance specifies that suspected code violators receive at least 20 days’ notice. The change would reduce that to 10 days.
- The second modifies how citizens are notified of code violations. Currently, the city mails notices with a return receipt request, and many times it took a month or longer to get the receipt back from the Post Office. The change would specify sending a notice via first-class mail and posting a notice in front of the business, home or vacant lot. This removes the sometimes lengthy delay of waiting for a postal return receipt to arrive.
The public hearing for both amendments will be March 14.
Chief Administrative Officer Mark Brown also updated the board on the ongoing city hall renovations. He said the total project should be completed within the next two weeks.
All board members were present for the meeting. Bartlett Mayor Keith McDonald was absent, recovering from successful disc surgery to relieve pinched nerve pain in his neck.
The board also:
Approved buying 337 Orion water meters and accessories for $46,000.05 from the sole source bidder, United Utilities.
Approved buying two extended-cab pickups for public works from the lowest bidder, Homer Skelton Chrysler Dodge Jeep Ram. The vehicles cost $22,046 each for a total of $44,092.
Authorized the purchase of one right-of-way track for $26,800 for the widening of Old Brownsville Road.
Heard an announcement from the fire chief that hydrants will be flushed as part of routine annual maintenance through June 8.
Approved a routine resolution to delete $3,776.38 in uncollectible property taxes, interest, penalties and associated costs from the city’s tax rolls.
Approved a previously budgeted transfer of funds from the city’s general fund into the capital improvements fund for the city’s audiovisual equipment. The renovations are expected to be completed within the next two weeks.
Approved permits for the Bartlett United Methodist Church’s Acrosstown 5K Run to be held at the church 8 a.m.-noon April 1 and for the Appling Middle School Spring Fling to be held at the school 3-7 p.m. April 29.
Approved the 2017 softball tournament schedule proposed by the Bartlett Parks and Recreation Athletics Department.
Written by Carolyn Bahm, Express editor. Contact her at (901) 433-9138, or