City Auto presents $9,500 gift to Bartlett Education Foundation

Dignitaries on hand for the check presentation included, from left, Tennessee State Rep. Mark White; Tennessee State Rep. Ron Lollar; Brooks McDonald, Bartlett Education Foundation Board member; Superintendent David Stephens, Bartlett City Schools; City of Bartlett Mayor A. Keith McDonald; Jerry Clark, Wells Fargo; Kevin Boyer, Wells Fargo; Christal Frederick, Bartlett Education Foundation Board member; William Brigance, general manager of City Auto; Ranchel Landsdown, Bartlett Education Foundation president; Gary McCarter, chief operating officer of City Auto; Sue Griffith-Coleman, Bartlett Education Foundation Board member; and Lynsey Freeman, marketing director for City Auto. Dignitaries on hand for the check presentation included, from left, Tennessee State Rep. Mark White; Tennessee State Rep. Ron Lollar; Brooks McDonald, Bartlett Education Foundation Board member; Superintendent David Stephens, Bartlett City Schools; City of Bartlett Mayor A. Keith McDonald; Jerry Clark, Wells Fargo; Kevin Boyer, Wells Fargo; Christal Frederick, Bartlett Education Foundation Board member; William Brigance, general manager of City Auto; Ranchel Landsdown, Bartlett Education Foundation president; Gary McCarter, chief operating officer of City Auto; Sue Griffith-Coleman, Bartlett Education Foundation Board member; and Lynsey Freeman, marketing director for City Auto.City Auto presented a $9,500 donation to the Bartlett Education Foundation with Wells Fargo Dealer Services at 8 .m. Nov. 15 at Bartlett High School.

City Auto has supported the Bartlett Education Foundation for more than a decade, and the business continues to reinvest in the academic success of Bartlett’s students and future leaders.

“We’re proud to support The Bartlett Education Foundation in its mission to promote academic awareness, opportunities, and achievement,” said David S. Andrews, City Auto founder and principal partner. “We think it’s great to participate in enriching the educational experience for youth and educators through the Foundation’s grants, and we are excited about impact it will have.”

Rachel Landsdown, Bartlett Education Foundation Board chair, says this donation will offer the Foundation the opportunity to increase grant and program offerings, thus further growing their ability to serve the community.

“City Auto’s leadership in support of education represents a benchmark by which other companies, organizations, and individuals can rise to meet the challenge and commit to investing in academics today—for a strong tomorrow for our students,” said Landsdown.

Bartlett has been City Auto’s largest customer base for the past decade. In addition to the Foundation, City Auto has maintained membership with The Bartlett Area Chamber of Commerce and supported a number of civic organizations and community events in the area. In 2014, City Auto received the Crystal Award for Corporate Philanthropy in acknowledgement of their community engagement and support of numerous non-profit and charitable organizations throughout the area.

“At City Auto we realize how important it is to invest in education in our community, and we are proud to work with Wells Fargo to make a contribution to the Bartlett Education Foundation,” said William J. Brigance, City Auto general manager. “Many of our employees and countless customers live in the City of Bartlett. We’re glad we can make an impact for the families and friends we have right here in Bartlett.”