Bartlett amends Richland development, names 2 landmarks

seal of bartlettThe Bartlett city board took steps at the Oct. 25 meeting to designate two historic landmarks, update fees in the Air Pollution Code, set a hearing on amending a planned development and deny a related industrial rezoning request.

The mayor and aldermen set a public hearing date for Nov. 22 on Resolution 14-16, amending the Richland Valley Planned Development, located to the north, adjacent to the Bartlett Logistic Center on Wolf Lake Road.

On a related matter, the board denied Ordinance 16-02 on first reading. It would have removed 5.1 acres from the Richland Valley Planned Development (on the north line of Wolf Lake Drive) and rezoned it from RS-15 to I-P. The Bartlett Planning Commission recommended denial.

The board also approved two historic designations on first reading and set hearing dates for Nov. 22:

  • Ordinance 16-07 designates the Brunswick Rosenwald School at 4549 Brunswick Road as a historic landmark. It was established in 1923. After its use as a school, it served as Brunswick Headstart for 34 years and is currently used as a community gathering place.
  • Ordinance 16-08 designates Cedar Hall at 3712 Broadway Road as a historic landmark. It was built in 1846 as a grand town home, the oldest still standing in Bartlett. It is listed as the John H. McFadden House on the National Historic Register.

Bartlett’s city board also approved Ordinance 16-09, amending Title 20, Chapter 1 (the Air Pollution Control Code). This updates permit and emissions fees as recommended in 2014 by the Memphis and Shelby County Air Pollution Board.

Other business

In other business, the board:

  • Authorized the purchase of multiple right-of-way tracts for the widening of Old Brownsville Road. Purchases were for two tracts from Pearlie M. Porter for a total of $99,840, one tract from David and Lucinda Rolston for $20,185 and another tract from Henry & Patricia Taylor for a total of $7,508.
  • Accepted the lowest bid for the Appling Road soccer field parking lot project from Wagner General for $74,000 plus a contingency amount of $8,000 for a total cost of $82,000. The project will provide a total of 88 parking spaces, including four reserved as handicap spaces.
  • Accepted the lowest bid from Homer Skelton Ford to buy four Ford Explorer police pursuit vehicles at a total cost of $108,950.68 for the Bartlett Police Department.
  • Accepted the bid from Accurate Law Enforcement to purchase 148 Sig Sauer P320 pistols, holsters, magazine pouches and stream lights at a total cost of $26,707.13 for the BPD.
  • Accepted the only bid for a live-scan fingerprinting system for the BPD. The bid went to Data Works Plus at a cost of $18,500.
  • Accepted the lowest bid for a Ford F-350 with a nine-foot utility crane bed from Golden Circle at a cost of $48,614.
  • Accepted the lowest bid for a Ford F-350 pickup with a five-foot bed from Ford of Murfreesboro at a cost of $35,979.
  • Accepted the lower bid to rebuild a city sanitation truck’s diesel engine. The bid went to Summit Truck Group at a cost of $25,502.12.
  • Accepted the lowest bid for one riding mower with a 72-inch deck from Barton Equipment Co. at a cost of $13,300.
  • Approved the special event permit for the One Less Orphan 5K Fundraiser. It will be 8-10 a.m. Nov. 12 at Faith Baptist Church, 3755 N. Germantown Road, Bartlett.
  • Recognized Lifeblood’s 150 for 150 blood drive in honor of the city’s sesquicentennial.

Written by Carolyn Bahm, Express editor. Contact her at (901) 433-9138 or via email to