Bartlett’s Board of Aldermen approved amending an ordinance for an additional member to the City Beautiful Commission and recognized five employees of the year in a recent regular session.
Juanita Long and Joe Bledsoe filled two City Beautiful Commission seats, with Bledsoe’s appointment increasing the number of commissioners.
Other appointees, approved without discussion, included Melissa Pike to the Bartlett Station Commission and Joe Walker to the Planning Commission.
In the only discussion of the night, the board approved $24,000 to authorize the Renaissance Group to complete architectural and survey work for a fire training facility on Shelter Run Lane. That discussion centered on the potential impact to the city’s fire code rating.
The board also approved a $57,600 Homeland Security Firefighters Grant Program award.
Two appeals relating to Bartlett’s sign ordinance were withdrawn after aldermen revised their ordinance last month.
In other action, aldermen:
- Approved a special event permit for a St. Ann Church Block Party April 19.
- Approved the Bartlett Recreation Department’s plan for a Dash-n-Splash April 12.
- Approved the $18,232 bid from Dobbs Ford for a 2013 F250 XL gas truck.
- Approved a $25,746 bid from Country Ford for a 2013 F250 XL diesel truck.
- Approved a $207,722 bid from Scruggs equipment and a $22,118 bid from Dobbs Ford for an F150 truck for public works.
- Approved a 2013 Ford Escape from Dobbs Ford-Mt. Moriah at $21,145 for engineering.
Bartlett’s Beer Board, consisting of the Board of Aldermen, also approved a beer permit for Nazir Lalani for Mike’s Stop in Bartlett. That location was cited by the board and was forced to cease beer sales for 15 days a month ago for sales to minors in an October 2012 incident.
Lalani has since purchased the business and the board approved the permit.