Pursuant to the requirements of Ordinance 8-307 of the City of Bartlett, TN, the following information is made known to all interested persons:
Raheem Khetani has applied for an OFF-Premises permit to sell beer at Sunshine Mart, located at 6390 Summer Ave., Bartlett, TN 38134
The Bartlett Beer Board will meet at 6:00 p.m. on November 1, 2016 at The Bartlett City Hall, 6400 Stage Rd., Bartlett, TN, to consider the above application after a Public Hearing. Any citizen who would like to appear and testify either for or against this application will be heard.
A. Keith McDonald
Division of Water Resources
William R . Snodgrass Tennessee Tower
312 Rosa L. Parks Avenue, Nashville, Tennessee 37243
TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: The application described below has been submitted for an Aquatic Resource Alteration Permit under The Tennessee Water Quality Control Act of 1977, T.C.A . §69-3- 108. In addition, federal permits may be required from the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers and the Tennessee Valley Authority under §404 of the Clean Water Act and §26a of the Tennessee Valley Authority Act, respectively. Section 40I of the Clean Water Act requires that an applicant obtain a water quality certification from the state when a federal permit is required.
This notice may cover applications subject to §40 I.
No decision has been made whether to issue or deny this permit. The purpose of this notice is to inform interested parties of this permit application and to ask for comments and information necessary to determine possible impacts to water quality. Persons wishing to comment on the proposal are invited to submit written comments to the department. Written comments must be received within thirty days of the date that this notice is posted. Comments will become part of the record and will be considered in the final decision . The applicant ‘s name and permit number should be referenced. The permit application , supporting documentation including detailed plans and maps, and related comments are available for review and/or copying at the department’s natural resources section.
Interested persons may also request in writing that the department hold a public hearing on this application. The request must be filed within the comment period, indicate the interest of the person requesting it, the reasons that the hearing is warranted, and the water quaIity issues being raised. When there is sufficient public interest in water quality issues, the department shall hold a public hearing in accordance with 0400-40-07-.04(4)(f).
In deciding whether to issue or deny a permit, the department will consider all comments of record and the requirements of applicable federal and state laws. In making this decision, a determination will be made regarding the lost value of the resource compared to the value of any proposed mitigation. The department shall consider practicable alternatives to the alteration. The department shall also consider loss of waters or habitat, diminishment in biological diversity, cumulative or secondary impacts to the water resource, and adverse impact to unique, high quality, or impaired waters.
140 Bayvale Court, N.E.
Atlanta, GA 30328
(770) 857-4814
LOCATION: The project is located at the intersection of SR 14 and the Loosahatchie River, Bartlett, Shelby County; Latitude 35 .272838; Longitude:-89.86 1 368.
PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The applicant proposes to develop a 282 acre parcel into a compensatory wetland mitigation bank. Approximately 251.3 acres will be utilized for restoration, enhancement and preservation. The proposed bank will be used to offset impacts in the following 8 digit Hydrologic Unit Codes (HUC): 0801 100, 080 10209, and 10 digit HUC 080 1020807, and 0801020806. The objective of the proposal is to restore prior converted land to a functional riverine wetland. Ditches will be plugged, small berms constructed and trees planted. The bank sponsor will monitor the site for up 7 years. A Mitigation Banking Instrument has been prepared, reviewed and approved by the Tennessee Interagency Review Team.
DEGRADATION: In accordance with the Tennessee Antidegradation Statement (Rule 0400-40-03-.06), the division has determined that the proposed activities will not result in degradation to water quality.
WATERSHED I WATERBODY DESCRIPTION: The proposed project lies within the HUC 080 10209 Loosahatchie River. More information can be found at
More details on the proposal can be viewed on the Internet
and Permit details can be accessed at:
There will be a public meeting on Tuesday, October 25, 2016 at 6:30 p.m. at Bartlett City Hall. City Hall is located at 6400 Stage Road in Bartlett, Tennessee. The purpose of this meeting is to discuss the 2011 Small Cities Block Grant Disaster Project the City has completed regarding the drainage improvements at Harrington Creek and Fletcher Creek. This public hearing will inform the citizens in regards to the program guidelines, the amount of funds used for the project, the type of projects completed, and the overall indirect benefit received by the community. The City’s governing body will seek comments from the public. All area citizens are encouraged to attend and comment on the projects completed.
The City of Bartlett does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, handicap, or national origin. Bartlett City Hall is handicap accessible. Any person needing special accommodations should contact Bartlett City Hall at (731) 852-2034.
Mayor A. Keith McDonald
Published October 25, 2016
PROJECT NO.: 43867
Notice is hereby given that the Contractor, Pro-Site Construction, LLC of 5909 Shelby Oaks Drive,
Suite 212, Memphis, Tennessee 38134has requested final payment and project close-out for the
construction activities in Bartlett, Tennessee.
Any local resident, subcontractor, or supplier who has a claim against this Contractor, Madden Phillips Construction Company regarding the above stated project has to file his/her claim in writing with Mayor A. Keith McDonald, City of Bartlett, 6400 Stage Road, Bartlett Tennessee 38314 by 4:00 p.m., CST, Monday, October 17, 2016.
A. Keith McDonald, Mayor
Published October 6, 2016
Public Lawful Notice of Reconveyance By Amended Quit Claim Deed as Recorded in Instrument Number 16093968 in Shelby County Register of Deeds, September 13, 2016
Notice constructive is hereby given that the Appointment of Successor Trustee as recorded in Instrument Number 13124561 and Successor’s Trustee Deed as recorded in Instrument Number 15106094 in Shelby County, Tennessee Register of Deeds and all actions by BANK OF AMERICA, N.A., WILSON & ASSOCIATES, P.L.L.C., MARINOSCI LAW GROUP, P.C. and any such agent appointed by former trustee in fraud, will be deemed as frivolous and has/have been cancelled and/or rescinded.
Notice constructive is hereby given that alleged Trustee’s Sale Number: Fjd34068 occurring on or about the 10th day of October of the year 2014 in the hour of 11:00 a.m. [and all subsequent dates], Central Standard of Time, as established has/have been cancelled.
Bill of Conveyance In Fee Simple. Substantive [Real] Law Conveyance Pursuant to “Hebrew Codes”, a Lawful contract in Accordance with the Mosaic Law of Nations
To All Those Whom These Presents Shall Come Know Ye; Grantor[s]: calvin dee aycock, a man and linda ruth aycock a wombman [woman] Appoints Calvin Dee Aycock, a man as “Overseer” and Linda Ruth Aycock, a wombman [woman] as “Associate”. Grantee: Winds of Hope Association, In care of: [8840] River Rise Drive Cordova, Tennessee at Large, Republic. the above parties hereinafter to be returned to as Grantor and Grantee, respectively, do hereby, freely and voluntarily agree to grant and convey the following property:
Lawful Estate described as: Lot 18, Phase 1, 5th Addition Riverwood Farms, as shown on plat of record in Plat Book 161, Page 47, in the Register’s Office of Shelby County, Tennessee at Large, to which plat reference is hereby made for a more particular description of said property, inclusive of Plats, Shelby County Register of Deeds in the Tennessee at Large, Republic, Northwest Amexem [America]both inclusive of Plats, municipally described as: 8840 River Rise Drive, Cordova, Tennessee. Land Record Number: 096-501F-00018 Geographical Location: 35°09’50.7”N Latitude and 89°46’04.6”W Longitude.
be it known: this instrument is a contract/conveyance pursuant to Ecclesia: the organic and substantive [real] law[s], Hebrew Codes-Mosaic Law of Nations, with absolute Paramount “Lodial Al Seisin Deed/Title” right to contract intact; the Emancipation Proclamation of Abraham Lincoln, inclusive of the Amendment XIII with two [2] sections; and Declaration of Independence [1776]. Grantee above as a result of lawful, substantive and full payment at law does hold and possess rightfully and unto heirs and assigns forever, the above described property, and appurtenances. Grantee furthermore, forever holds whatsoever the nature thereunto belonging, held completely and separately from the Free Masonry Corporate Estate: aka: the Cestui Que Federal Reserve Public Policy [charitable] Trust, in Absolute Freehold, Lodium Paramount Ownership, and hereby declares, claims, and Commands Paramount Lodial Al Seisin Deed/Title thereto jura in re.