Legals for Sept. 8, 2016

Legal Announcements


Shelby County Department of Housing (SCDH) is preparing its Consolidated Annual Performance Report (CAPER) for the program year that began July 1, 2015 and ended June 30, 2016. The CAPER is required by the U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development to describe CDBG and HOME program activities undertaken by SCDH to address housing and community development needs, especially in low- and moderate-income areas of Shelby County, outside the City of Memphis.

SCDH utilized approximately $911,641.66 in Community Development Block Grant funds and $292,384.09 in HOME funds for the following activities: low-to-moderate income housing rehabilitation and minor home repair; infrastructure/community development improvements to benefit low-to-moderate communities within the Urban County; fair housing activities; administrative expenses; and program delivery costs.

The CAPER will be available for public review Saturday September 3, 2016 through Friday September 23, 2016 at the office of SCDH (1075 Mullins Station Rd., Memphis, TN 38134), the Arlington Public Library, the Collierville Public Library, the Germanton Public Library, the Millington Public Library, and the following branches of the Memphis & Shelby County Public Library: Benjamin L. Hooks and Bartlett. The CAPER may also be reviewed on the Shelby County website: To gain access to the CAPER on line, click on the Housing link under Departments and then click on the “Community Development Block Grant” link to access the CAPER.

To solicit comments on the CAPER, SCDH will host a public hearing on Tuesday, September 20, 2016 at 5:30 p.m. at the Shelby County East Complex, Peggy Edmiston Administration Building, Room W-263, 1075 Mullins Station Road, Memphis, TN 38134. Attendees should enter the building through SCDH’s entrance (the door in the center wing on the west side of the complex). Additionally, written comments or suggestions will be accepted through 4:30 p.m. September 23, 2016 and should be directed to Mr. Scott Walkup at Shelby County Department of Housing, 1075 Mullins Station Road, Memphis, TN 38134. SCDH will respond to all written comments within 15 working days of receipt. For questions concerning the public hearing or CAPER, please contact the Department of Housing at 901-222-7600 or TTY at 901- 222-2300.

Those with special needs that plan to attend the public hearing are encouraged to contact SCDH at (901) 222-7600 or TTY at 901- 222-2300 by 4:30 p.m. Thursday September 15, 2016 and we will work to accommodate you.

Para mas información en Español, por favor llame al 901-222-4289.

The Shelby County Department of Housing does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, religion, age or disability in employment or provision of services. Equal opportunity/equal access provider.

Mark H. Luttrell, Jr.
Shelby County Mayor

Jim Vazquez, Administrator
Department of Housing