Lakeland board hears sign ordinance changes, park expansion idea

Lakeland-signThe Lakeland city board talked about final tweaks to the reworked city sign ordinance at the Sept. 1 board meeting. If approved as discussed, two of the many changes will be to allow taller signs near the highway and allow businesses to put up double the currently permitted number of temporary signs each year.

No actions were taken at this meeting. The Lakeland Mayor and Board of Commissioners cannot vote at work sessions; the meetings are designed as preparation for the upcoming business meeting that will be held on Sept. 8 at City Hall.

The board also heard a long-range proposal to sign over some adjacent land to the city in order to expand Zadie Kuehl Park and create a second entrance. The expansion plan might include a dog park, which the board saw as a positive addition to the city. This action would make the secluded park more visible and easily accessible and reduce recurring problems with vandalism and other issues at the park, they said.

Among other business, the board also discussed:

  • A staff presentation on amending the city’s zoning map for three parcels of land near the intersection of Evergreen Road and U.S. 70. The rezoning under discussion would change one parcel from Agricultural to C1 (Community Mixed Use/Commercial), one from Planned Development to R3 (Suburban Cottage), and the third from Planned Development to R3.
  • Executing a contract with EnergyStrong Roof M.D. LLC for the city hall roof project.
  • Executing a contract with Enscor, LLC for the Plantation Hills Street Improvements Project.
  • Executing a contract with Gibson Paving, Inc. for the FY2017 Street Paving Project.
  • Executing a construction contract for the Huff N Puff Road and Beverle Rivera Drive Project.
  • Authorizing the submittal of a Transportation Alternatives Program Grant application for improvements to Canada Road.
  • Releasing the remaining surety for Barclay Group (Lakeland 64, LLC – LA Fitness) for Lot 1 of Brunswick 64 Commercial Subdivision.
  • Authorizing the organization of the city’s Industrial Development Board and approving the IDB’s bylaws.
  • Approving the Outline Plan for The Estates at Chambers Chapel.

Written by Carolyn Bahm, Express editor. Contact her at (901) 433-9138 or via email to