The Bartlett Police Department handled the following incidents between July 25 and Aug. 4. This listing includes the most notable incidents for the reporting period and does not necessarily reflect all police activity.
Editor’s note: All suspects are presumed to be innocent until proven guilty in a court of law, and values are estimated for stolen/damaged items. These are brief summaries of detailed BPD reports.
July 25
Stage Road (robbery)
A man stole a woman’s purse in the parking lot of CVS (6670 Stage Road) around 2:40 a.m. July 25. She was released from the Regional Medical Center (the Med) around 2 a.m. and stopped by the pharmacy to fill her prescription. When she left 10 minutes later, a man approached her from behind, grabbed her jacket and demanded her purse.
When she turned around, he was running around the southwest corner of the store. He took a brown MK purse ($100), a pink MK wallet ($25), $100 in cash, two prepaid NetSpend Visa debit cards and various medicines.
Stage Road (indecent exposure)
A woman reported a man’s indecent exposure in the Walgreen’s parking lot (6697 Stage Road) on July 25.
It was around 2:15 p.m. when she and her daughter, 8, approached a car there to ask for a dollar. She spoke with the driver and saw he had exposed a private part of his body in full view of her and her daughter. She said he asked her not to call the police before he drove away.
She described him as a light-skinned black man about 19-20 years old with “good hair.” He drove a newer-model gray four-door Ford Focus with a Madison County tag. He drove south on Kirby Whitten Road.
Starway Drive (theft)
A man reported on July 25 that his car’s registration year sticker was damaged. He was washing his car around 5 p.m. the previous afternoon when he saw that someone had slashed the sticker with an X and it was missing half of the number 17. He requested a police report he could provide to the state Department of Motor Vehicles.
July 26
Stage Road (vandalism)
Someone shattered the screen of a Redbox movie rental kiosk inside Walgreens (6697 Stage Road), a Redbox representative reported July 26. Witnesses saw a tall man trying to swipe his credit card at the kiosk earlier, but it wouldn’t work. They then heard a loud noise and shortly afterward discovered that the screen was broken.
Prairie View Drive (theft from yard)
An opportunistic thief swiped the contents of an package from a man’s front porch on July 26. The man, a resident of Prairie View Drive, said the package was open and a Shade-It sun shade ($20) was missing. A rice maker was left in the box.
He also saw a clothing donation bag from Hope Charities near his front door. He said the pink bag wasn’t there earlier that morning, and he found it suspicious that his items were stolen on the same day the bag was placed on his door.
July 27
U.S. 64 (indecent exposure)
An employee at Walmart (8400 U.S. 64) was working around 3-3:15 a.m. in the store’s stationery section, stocking merchandise, when she looked up and saw a black male stranger staring at her with his genitals pulled out of his pants zipper.
She said he was a black male age 28-32, about 5 feet 10 inches tall and weighing about 150 lbs. He had a short fade-style haircut and wore a loose-fitting black T-shirt, black loose-fitting pants and shoes.
Pembroke Ellis Drive (residential burglary)
Officers responded to a burglary in progress in the area of Davies Plantation and Pembroke Ellis at 6:11 a.m. July 27. Dispatch updated them that the victim was chasing a black male suspect by vehicle. The suspect had entered the victim’s open garage and stolen nearly $3,000 of his belongings.
The victim was driving a silver Toyota truck, and the suspect and a companion were in a blue/gray Chevrolet sedan; both vehicles were headed north on Brunswick Road.
Officers found both vehicles at Brunswick Road and U.S. 70, and the victim identified his two sets of golf clubs and a Bissell vacuum in the suspect’s car. The suspect had the missing items in plain sight, including the vacuum ($50), a Nike Vapor driver ($200), an Odyssey putter ($300), a set of Taylor Made irons ($1,500), a new Callaway golf bag ($200), a set of Top Flite irons ($500), an older Callaway golf bag ($20) and a Taylor Made driver ($50).
The suspect and companion also face other legal woes. The man’s driver’s license was revoked in January 2015 for failure to satisfy. The officer also found a glass pipe with burn marks and a copper filter commonly used for smoking crack cocaine, both stuffed into a cigarette box found between a front seat and the center console. During routine processing at the jail, which involves a search and dressing out, the staff also caught the female passenger trying to eat two small bags of marijuana she had hidden under her breasts.
July 28
Bartlett Heights Cove (vandalism)
A Bartlett man learned the perils of an angry girlfriend wielding a hammer on July 28. Around 4 p.m., he reported that he and his girlfriend were arguing when she got angry and threw a hammer at his 2007 Chrysler PT Cruiser, destroying the windshield.
July 29
Peyton Randolph Street (assault)
A woman said she was playing on the computer in the kitchen when a suspect physically assaulted her. She said he entered through the back door, pulled her hair and hit her. She called the police and waited outside for their arrival.
The officer contacted the home’s owner, who was out of town, and learned that the suspect didn’t have permission to be inside the home at any time. The suspect was arrested, searched and taken to jail.
Stage Road (theft from motor vehicle)
Peyton Randolph Street (assault)
A city employee reported July 29 that someone stole two orange Stihl straight-shaft weed trimmers out of a city truck that day between 10:45-11:15 a.m. The tools were valued at $300 each and were unsecured. Someone spotted a white Ford Expedition near the city truck during that time frame. The officer took the report at the recycle center at 5890 Stage Road.
Stage Road (theft from motor vehicle)
Peyton Randolph Street (assault)
A woman walking her dogs July 29 was the victim of theft. She was walking her dogs in a Bartlett park and returned around 5 p.m. to find someone had broken a window ($400) in her vehicle and stolen her red purse ($30) from the passenger floorboard.
Beagle Run Lane (theft)
Peyton Randolph Street (assault)
After finding her daughter’s friend in her house on July 25, a Beagle Run resident discovered jewelry missing. She reported the theft on July 29.
She returned around 5 p.m. and saw an unfamiliar white Toyota Corolla in her driveway. She called her roommate, the property owner, and asked if she knew who was at the house. While still on the phone, she went inside and noticed the front door was locked but the side sliding glass door was unsecured. She called out several times inside the house. After seven attempts, she saw a white female about 20 years old come to the top of the staircase. The female greeted her and said, “Hey, I thought you were [victim’s daughter].”
The daughter arrived shortly after that and left with the suspect. When the victim went to her room, she noticed her drawers were opened and five rings (an engagement ring, two wedding bands, a diamond cluster and a metal play ring) of unknown value were missing.
July 30
Yale Road (auto burglary)
Peyton Randolph Street (assault)
A woman in a Bartlett Park with her children returned to her burglarized car on July 30. She returned to her Dodge Intrepid on the 6200 block of Yale Road around noon. The front door window on the passenger side was broken ($200), and her purse was missing. The Coach purse ($500) contained a Dooney and Burke wallet ($200), a Regions Visa debit card, her driver’s license, food stamp card and the Social Security cards for the victim and her two children.
Marbry Drive (aggravated burglary)
Peyton Randolph Street (assault)
Officers responded to an aggravated burglary in progress on Marbry Drive at 10:25 a.m. July 30. The victim said she left around 8:30 a.m. and returned home about 10:15 a.m. to find her front door ajar and a strange vehicle in her driveway.
She went inside and saw broken glass from a rear window scattered on the living room floor. The TV was knocked over and other things were out of place. Officers found a footprint in the backyard year the fence, and they cleared the house.
The car, a copper-colored 2007 Dodge Caliber with a Mississippi license plate, belonged to a woman who told officers that her estranged husband has the vehicle. They have been separated for a year and a half. She said he wasn’t answering her phone calls. The key was left in the ignition, and a cell phone was in the car.
Detectives made the scene and took multiple items from the home into evidence for processing. They included a High Country camo compound bow and a Marlin 30-30 rifle laid out on the bed, along with a cup and a pair of sunglasses found in the backyard.
The car owner’s husband is described as a white male, 49, about 6 feet tall and weighing about 185 lbs. He has a black buzz-cut hairstyle, brown eyes and no facial hair.
Shortly afterward, the suspect called the Bartlett Police Department to report his car as missing.
Stage Road (theft of a motor vehicle)
Someone stole a woman’s silver/gray 2004 Chevrolet Trailblazer from the rear parking lot of Grand Pacific Buffet on July 30. The owner said it went missing between 6 p.m. and 7 p.m. The restaurant is at 6105 Stage Road in Bartlett.
Aug. 1
North Street (fraud)
A grandmother on North Street reported suspicions on Aug. 1 that her granddaughter broke into her home and wrote two fraudulent checks on her account. The grandmother was hospitalized at Saint Francis Hospital in Bartlett during the incident.
The victim said she last spoke with her granddaughter on July 28, when she unexpectedly showed up at the hospital and gave her a ride home. The bank called that day with questions about a check for $3,000 and another for $1,500 because they weren’t in the victim’s handwriting. The victim said she didn’t write the checks, and her checkbook was missing from her home.
On Aug. 1, the woman went out the front door to go to her mailbox and noticed that her storm door’s glass was pushed in and the mounting tabs were broken off ($100). She said she’s confident that the suspect broke the glass mounts, reached in to unlock the front door and entered to steal her checkbook.
She described the suspect as a white female, 28, standing 4 feet and 11 inches tall and weighing 125 lbs. She has blonde/brown hair and green eyes. She said the suspect lives in Jackson, Tenn., but she didn’t have the address or phone number. The grandmother said she wants to prosecute.
Sleepy Hollow Road (residential burglary)
A man reported on Aug. 1 that someone had burglarized more than $1,000 of tools and sports equipment from his detached garage.
Around 3:45 p.m., he noticed that the following items were missing: A Klein 24-inch toolbox ($100), miscellaneous hand tools ($200), Orvis wader hand bag ($50), two Yeti fishing rod holders ($80 each), tackle box ($200) and Benjamin pellet gun ($80). He last saw the items in the garage around 11 a.m. when he got a drink from the fridge.
Aug. 2
Mary Elizabeth Drive (theft)
Someone stole a man’s bike from inside his attached garage, which was left open, on Aug. 2. The man said the garage was only open between 8:40 p.m. and 9:15 p.m. The bike was a red Schwinn GTX3 hybrid ($260).
Another victim met officers at the intersection of Deermont Drive and West Earhart Drive around 11 p.m. the same night, reporting that someone had stolen his bike from his covered carport between 8:30 p.m. and 9:15 p.m. that night. It was a black Hyperspinner BMX bike ($175).
Then the second victim was driving east by that intersection when he stopped for two white male teens riding bikes in the middle of the street. He realized the bikes were his and the other victim’s, and the boys dropped the bikes and fled. They walked east on Deermont and then out of view.
The second victim said one wore a pink shirt and shorts, and the other wore a dark shirt and shorts. Both were slender and had blond hair.
Aug. 3
Chesterfield Cove (auto burglary)
A man was about to leave for work when he realized his truck’s tailgate was open. While closing it, he saw that tools were missing from the bed of the truck. Items missing included a red Craftsman two-cycle weed trimmer ($200) and a blue Sears pole saw ($100).
He said the theft happened between 11 p.m. Aug. 2 and 6:20 a.m. Aug. 3 while his truck was parked in his driveway.
Aug. 4
Charbon Cove (auto burglary)
A man reported that someone stole an expensive cooler from the bed of his truck between 10 p.m. Aug. 3 and 6:45 a.m. Aug. 4. The cooler was an off-white Tundra 45-quart Yeti model ($300).
The victim couldn’t provide any suspect information, but he said his lawn service was there on Aug. 2, and he noticed a new employee was working with them that day.
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