Lakeland administration reminds citizens of ‘Do-Not-Knock’ law

do-not-knock_doorThe Lakeland city website currently has a report of an unspecified group going door-to-door in Lakeland in violation of the city’s “do not knock” ordinance.

The information was posted online to remind citizens that they can participate in the Do-Not-Knock Registry and minimize the chance of receiving such visits, according to city recorder and finance director Jessica Millspaugh.

In order to make door-to-door cold sales calls in Lakeland, organizations and companies have to register with the cityand receive a copy of the registry, which lists addresses of residents who have opted out of such sales calls.

City hall has received only very few calls since inception of the Do-Not-Knock ordinance, Millspaugh said.

No violators have been identified to date, and no companies or organizations have registered.