Arlington senior earns spot as Canadian exchange student

canada-MIMMariya Fedotova, an accomplished senior at Arlington High School, was one of the students chosen to travel with a chaperone on an all-expense-paid trip to the MIM honored country this year, Canada.

The 11 chosen students come from 10 Mid-South high schools: Memphis Central, Raleigh Egypt, White Station, Houston, Briarcrest Christian, Germantown, Woodale, Craigmont, Arlington and Mitchell.

They traveled on March 11 for a week’s immersion into the country’s culture, stayed with host families and attended classes at a host high school. This year’s Canadian host high school is D’Arcy McGee HIgh School in Gatineau, Quebec.

Each year, students are selected based on communication skills, grades, and community service. The students were chosen from a pool of close to a hundred applicants.

The Memphis in May International Festival funds the round-trip airfare for each student and coordinates all arrangements with the host country.

Later in the month, 11 students from Canada will travel to Memphis and experience life in the United States.

For more information on Memphis in May, visit