At-a-Glance for Jan. 28, 2016

runnersBreak out your running shoes for 19th annual Valentine’s race

Bartlett Parks and Rec has scheduled the 19th Annual St. Valentine’s Day 5K/10K for Feb. 13 at 9 a.m.

Mark your calendars and join in the fun. Check the city’s website for details at

No-audition chorus invites music lovers for Jan. 28 fête

The Bartlett Area Chorus will have a “Meet and Greet” to begin the new spring season of music. This will be at 7 p.m. tonight, Jan. 28, at Christ Church Bartlett, 5955 Yale Road.

Attendees can meet the chorus members and directors, James and Ed Riddick, while having a light snack and enjoying some music.

The Bartlett Area Chorus is a non-audition, community chorus partially sponsored by the City of Bartlett.

It will meet from 7 p.m. until 9 p.m. each Thursday at this same facility as it prepares a musical program to share with the entire Bartlett area. Come and find out more about this opportunity to share your talents and love of music.

BACC offers courses for credit Jan. 29

The Bartlett Area Chamber of Commerce is offering a social media course, “Leverage Social Media to Maximize your Brand,” taught by Dr. Ryann Carroll this Friday.

On the same day, the BACC will offer “Corporate Entrepreneurship,” taught by Dr. Joe Roberts.
Each accredited course is offered through Webster University on a fee basis on Jan. 29 from 8 a.m. until 5 p.m.

For costs and other details, go online to