Memphis man threatens officers, gets arrested

Cody Davis
Cody Davis

A Memphis suspect who threatened officers and posted a video of himself with guns on Facebook Saturday was arrested Monday morning at his mother’s house, according to the Shelby County Sheriff’s Office (SCSO).

Cody “JuiceMane” Davis, 23, was arrested after members of the Metro Gang Unit and the Fugitive Apprehension Team received a tip about his hiding place.

His mother, Polly Davis, 47, initially told officers he was not there. She was also arrested for her part in aiding the fugitive while he was on the run from law enforcement.

The focus turned to Cody Davis when a post on his Facebook account scoffed at how weak he thought law enforcement officers would be without their authority and equipment.

His threats included such statements as, “its concrete cartel we run the city!!! You try us an officers gone start droppin!!! … Yall killin my black brothas so ima kill some black uniforms.”


Because of recent investigations involving the Concrete Cartel and the increased attacks on officers, an arrest warrant was issued for Davis after the Facebook post appeared.

Davis is being held on a $2 million bond.

The first court appearance for Davis in this case will be Feb. 1.