On Jan. 13, former President Theodore “Teddy” Roosevelt, visited Collierville to share stories of his remarkable life at the Collierville Chamber of Commerce Membership Luncheon at the Ridgeway Country Club.
While the actual president passed almost a century ago, he was portrayed by Joe Wiegand, who has performed his Presidential act all over the country, including t the White House. A political science graduate of the University of the South in Sewanne, he worked in the political arena for 25 years before taking on his role as the star of The Teddy Roosevelt Show.
“We’re thrilled to partner with the Burch Library for this very special event,” said Kanette Keough Rodgers, president and CEO of the Collierville Chamber of Commerce. “I can think of no better way for the leaders of Collierville to start off the New Year than with a little inspiration and advice from Teddy Roosevelt.”