At a Glance for Dec. 24, 2015

Kris Kringle gets praise, pleas and promises

letters to santa tease1x2What’s cuter than the way young children pepper Santa Claus with praise, promises of cookies, requests for pets and toys, and apologies for straying onto the naughty list … along with plenty of thanks? Not much!

See charming letters from some of our local children in this week’s issue.

Cities announce holiday closures

Area municipalities have announced their Christmas closures.

  • Bartlett: Bartlett city offices, the animal shelter, the public library and the senior center will be closed on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. The library will open again on Saturday, Dec. 26. The Bartlett Recreation Center will be open 5 a.m. -3 p.m. on Christmas Eve, closed on Christmas Day and open as usual on Saturday, Dec. 26. Trash will be picked up as usual on Christmas Eve, but Christmas Day pickups will be delayed one day.
  • Arlington: Arlington town offices will be closed Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. The library will be closed Christmas Eve through Dec. 27 and will reopen on Monday, Dec. 28, at 11 a.m. The Arlington Senior Center is closed until its Jan. 4, 2016, reopening. The town’s trash pickups on Christmas Eve will continue as usual. Recycling will be delayed by one day until Saturday, Dec. 26.
  • Lakeland: City Hall and the Senior Center will be closed on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. Republic, the company that provides the city’s garbage, recycling and Friday yard-waste pickup services, will be closed on Christmas Day; those pickups will be performed on Dec. 26. For more information, call Rhonda Fink at Lakeland City Hall at (901) 867-2717, Ext. 409.