The Bartlett Police Department (BPD) handled the following incidents for Dec. 1-6, 2015.
This listing includes the most notable incidents for the reporting period and does not necessarily reflect all police activity.
Editor’s note: All suspects are presumed to be innocent until proven guilty in a court of law, and values are estimated for stolen/damaged items. These are brief summaries of detailed BPD reports.
Dec. 1
Whitehorn Cove (burglary)
An intruder’s noise in the carport startled a woman on Whitehorn Cove on Saturday, Nov. 28. It was between 2 p.m. and 4 p.m., and she looked outside to see a man standing in her carport, looking at the items stored in the back along the wall. Her dogs barked when she opened her exterior door, and the man fled in a white truck.
At the time, she didn’t realize anything was missing or stolen. But on Dec. 1, she reported the incident after noticing that more than $1,000 of her equipment was missing. Items stolen included two garden rakes ($50), an industrial broom ($40), a mop ($35), multiple tools ($1,000) and a blue-and-black mechanic’s roller chair ($100).
She described the suspect as a black male of average height and build, with short black hair, possibly clean shaven. He wore a tan shirt with a safety vest that had orange reflectors.
Dec. 2
Hulon Street (auto burglary)
A woman reported an auto burglary on Dec. 2 after noticing that morning that the car’s window was down and her belongings had been tossed around.
She said someone had used a tool such as a screwdriver to pop the driver’s side window off its tracks and enter the car. The suspect stole her apron containing about $140 in $20 bills. The vehicle was fine when she went to bed the previous night at 11 p.m., she said.
Craven Road (motor vehicle theft)
A man reported on Dec. 2 that someone stole his vehicle between Nov. 29 and Dec. 2. He had parked it at the rear of his residence and left the keys inside the vehicle.
Dec. 4
Via Lopez Drive (auto burglary)
A man reported that someone entered his unlocked vehicle and searched the glove compartment sometime between 10 p.m. Dec. 3 and 6:30 a.m. Dec. 4. He said nothing of value was stolen, and there was no damage to the vehicle.
La Casa Drive (theft from a vehicle)
A woman reported a couple of strangers were hanging around a car parked in front of her home on Dec. 3, and the next day she discovered that someone had stolen the handgun from her unlocked Honda. She last saw her Ruger LC9 handgun at 8 p.m. Dec. 3 in the vehicle’s center console. She realized it was missing at 3:45 p.m. Dec. 4.
She said an older model red Chrysler with faded paint and a padded top was parked in front of her residence around 10 p.m. Dec. 3. There was a white male, about 6 feet tall, appearing to work on the tire, and another person of unknown gender who appeared to be white was sitting inside the Chrysler.
Dec. 5
Broadway (theft)
A man reported Dec. 5 that the 2016 license plate registration sticker was missing from his wife’s Toyota. He was not sure when the sticker was stolen, but he said he believes it was within the past week. He said she works in Bartlett but had recently driven it outside the city limits.
Parkway (unauthorized use of a vehicle)
A man getting his car serviced at Infiniti of Memphis (3060 N. Germantown Parkway) reported on Dec. 5 that they could not find his vehicle when he returned briefly. He dropped off his 2014 Infiniti QX80 on Nov. 30 and was issued a loaner vehicle. He returned around 6 p.m. Dec. 5 to get his child’s stroller out of his SUV but couldn’t find the vehicle. The service director told him it was not in the parking lot and that he would contact the service manager.
Dec. 6
Hawks Call Lane (auto burglary)
A man reported that someone stole an LG tablet from his truck sometime between Dec. 4 and 6. He parked his Chevy Silverado in his driveway that Friday night and left it unlocked.
Around 5 p.m. Dec. 6, he noticed the driver’s door was ajar, so he looked inside and realized his tablet was missing from the console.