On Nov. 8, the community is invited to join Run the Farm Memphis at Agricenter International. This new 10K and 5K cross-country-styled “off-road” race is designed to encourage nature lovers and health enthusiasts to enjoy the many terrains found on a working farm at Agricenter International.
The event is for all ages, with courses passing through trails, farmland and graveled roads, as well as paved trails surrounding the Agricenter’s multi-functioning campus. The 10K participants can enjoy running/walking throughout the entire Agricenter farm and research areas, including the Show Place Arena, while 5K participants can enjoy running/walking through farmland, the Corn Maze and the Agricenter’s Farmers Market great red barn.
The race will showcase elements of interest and education found throughout the farm by pointing out fun facts along the 10K and 5K routes. The goal of Run the Farm Memphis is to bring awareness to the multiple educational programs offered to thousands of students at the Agricenter each year, free of charge
The cost for the 5K event is $20 before Nov. 8 and $25 on race day. The cost for the 10K event is $30 before Nov. 8 and $35 on race day. See more information at RuntheFarmMemphis.com. For registration, visit racesonline.com/events/runthefarmmemphis. All proceeds will benefit the educational programs at Agricenter.
Agricenter will offer all participants the opportunity for pre-race packet pick-up 2-5 p.m. on Thursday, Nov. 5 at the main offices (in the Expo Building, 7777 Walnut Grove Road, Memphis).
The after-party will include barbecue pizza and sliders, beverages, door prizes and live music. Awards will go to the top three winners in each age category, including Overall, Master Award and Grand Master Award, for each run. Each participant will receive a t-shirt and goody bag.
For more information, ontact Michelle Stubbs at mstubbs@agricenter.org or (901) 757-7777.
Agricenter international is a non-profit organization pursuing the future of agriculture through research, education and exposition.