Local Beta Sigma Phi chapter gathers school supplies for girls at Youth Villages

From left are Susan Wyatt, service chairman, of Bartlett; Charlotte Rauchle, service committee and publicity chairman, also of Bartlett; and Patrick Hampton of Youth Villages.

beta-sigma-phiThe Laureate Omega chapter of Beta Sigma Phi recently delivered school supplies to the Swan Cottage for girls on the Bartlett campus of Youth Villages.

With only 10 members, the chapter was able to collect an assortment of supplies for the girls to use for a long time.

This chapter has worked with the Swan Cottage for several years, spending time with them each month doing crafts, playing games, preparing picnics and creating other activities.

The Beta Sigma Pi members have said the girls seemed to be quite artistic and always like for their adopted “grandmas” to come by.

Laureate Omega plans to continue their work with Youth Villages.

Beta Sigma Phi is an international women’s social, cultural and service organization with 200,000 members in chapters around the world. For more information, visit betasigmaphi.org.

The local Lauratea Omega chapter includes members from Memphis, Collierville, Cordova, Germantown, Lakeland and Bartlett.