SCSO responds to 25 Arlington incidents in August

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The Shelby County Sheriff’s Office (SCSO) handled the following incidents in Arlington during August.

Editor’s note: All suspects are presumed to be innocent until proven guilty in a court of law, and values are estimated for stolen/damaged items. These are brief summaries of detailed SCSO reports.

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Aug. 1

Marquis Court (simple assault/domestic violence)
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A woman reported on Aug. 1 that her husband of one year has physically abused her for the entire marriage.

She said the most recent assault was on July 25, when he punched her stomach and face, shoved her, kicked her and threw objects at her.

He is currently in Lakeside Behavioral Health System in Memphis, she said, and he has been calling her father, threatening to fight him and kill her.

She refused medical treatment, and the responding deputy saw no visible injuries. She told the officer she does have photos of her injuries over the past year.

The couple live on the 11200 block of Marquis Court, and the officer responded to the call at Rosemark/Tracy.

Aug. 3

Airline Road (stalking)

On Aug. 3, a woman reported the latest confrontation with an unknown male stalker. The previous night, she was at the Shell station at the intersection of Stage Road and Airline around 9:30 p.m. when the man raced his car toward her and slammed on his brakes. Then he emerged, apologized and became aggressive, saying, “I got something for you.” The victim, a resident on the 3200 block of Airline Road, said she drove home and called for police assistance.

She said this is an ongoing issue: She has caught him peeping through her home windows and following her in the grocery section of Walmart. She has filed other reports on this suspect. A male witness said he has seen the suspect around the victim’s house and following her at other times.

She said the man is about 6 feet tall with a slim build, buzz-cut blond hair and drives a black Honda Civic with an Oklahoma tag. He was last seen wearing a blue shirt, white shorts and blue shoes.

Garrett Valley Lane (other theft/non-specific)

A resident on the 6000 block of Garrett Valley Lane reported on Aug. 3 that someone stole items from the back yard of a home he’s buying. The stolen items included a swing chair, umbrella and garden hose, all last seen around 4:20 p.m. July 27.

The man said he leaves his front gate unlocked so his lawn company can cut the grass.

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Aug. 10

Hickory Run Place (theft from motor vehicle)

Someone entered a woman’s SUV on the 4300 block of Hickory Run Place and stole money and checks, she reported on Aug. 10. The vehicle was unlocked and parked in her driveway.

That morning, she noticed her GMC Yukon’s glove compartment was open, papers were all over the front seat, and the left rear door was ajar. Items stolen included $47 from her daughter’s purse left in the vehicle, as well as a checkbook and $25 from another purse left in the SUV.

The incident happened between 9:30 p.m. Aug. 9 and 7:15 a.m. Aug. 10.

Aug. 11

Milton Ridge Drive (theft from motor vehicle)

A resident from the 5300 block of Milton Ridge Drive reported on Aug. 11 that someone had stolen more than $2,000 of equipment from his truck overnight. Around 6:30 a.m. he opened the truck’s door and noticed his H&S PDA ($1,700) and TomTom GPS unit ($350) were missing. He last saw the items 5:30 p.m. Aug. 10.

The Dodge truck had been parked unlocked on the street in front of his home. The responding officer saw no damage to the truck or signs of forced entry.

Marquis Court (intimidation)

A man who lives on the 11200 block of Marquis Court reported on Aug. 11 that his ex-wife had threatened his son.

The father said he was served with a protection order from her earlier in the month, and then she entered his apartment around 8:15 p.m. Aug. 11 when his 16-year-old son was home alone. The son heard someone unlocking the front door, but she slammed it and fled down the stairs when she spotted him. He went to the balcony and saw her running away. She yelled, “Don’t you tell anyone or I’m going to get you!”

The youth said he feared for his life because she has abused him in the past.

Aug. 13

Chester Street (non-residential burglary)

A man who lives on the 4400 block of Chester Street reported that someone stole yard equipment from his garage sometime between Aug. 6 and Aug. 13. The suspect forced open the side door of the unattached garage and took a Stihl trimmer and edger.

The victim had no suspect information. A dispatcher entered the equipment’s information into the National Crime Information Center (NCIC) database.

Aug. 14

Airline Road (theft from motor vehicle)

A resident on the 11600 block of Memphis-Arlington Road reported on Aug. 14 that someone stole his Glock 27 handgun the previous day.

He said the weapon was in his vehicle’s center console, and he wasn’t sure where the theft happened. He was at Microport Orthopedics (5677 Airline Road) around 8 a.m., Perico’s Mexican Restaurant (11125 U.S. 70) from 11:30 a.m. until 12:30 p.m., when he returned to work. He left work at 5:15 p.m., was at the Stonebridge Country Club from 5:30 p.m. until 7:30 p.m. He got home around 8 p.m. and noticed his gun was missing. He said there were no signs of a break-in and he believes he left his vehicle and the center console unlocked.

The handgun’s information was entered into the NCIC database.

Airline Road (theft from building)

Someone stole a student’s lunchbox, which contained her iPhone, at Arlington High School (5475 Airline Road) on Aug. 14. An adult told the student to put the lunchbox on the floor, and it was gone when she returned. The responding officer searched the area and talked to several students but couldn’t locate the lunchbox.

Hidden Meadows Drive (intimidation)

A man confronted his wife’s ex-husband for parking in front of the couple’s home around 4:10 p.m. Aug. 14.

The ex-husband told the responding officer he was there to pick up his son. He said the suspect questioned him, hit his vehicle, opened its door and began yelling.

The suspect said the parenting plan requires them to meet at a public place, not at his home on the 5400 block of Hidden Meadows Drive. He said he did open the car door and ask the man why he was sitting there.

The responding officer saw no damage to the car, a Buick Oldsmobile.

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Aug. 15

Shetland Trail (identity theft)

A Shetland Trail resident reported that someone used her Bank of America debit card to buy things online without her permission. She still has her card and suspects that its information was skimmed, possibly at three area restaurants she recently visited.

“Skimming” refers to stealing the card’s information while it’s being used in an otherwise legitimate transaction. Skimmers may just copy receipts or swipe and store card numbers with a small electronic device.

The purchases included $3.28 at Barnes & Noble, Educational Sales ($16.40), Dell Computers ($428.59) and iTunes ($3.28).

The victim alerted Bank of America to the fraud. She also obtained the order and cancellation number for the Dell computer purchase, which was to be shipped to an address in the 7400 block of Tennessee 41 North in Adams.

Aug. 16

U.S. 70 (misdemeanor shoplifting)

Two suspects stole a 24-pack of beer from Kroger (11635 U.S. 70) around 10:45 p.m. Aug. 16. The complainant said he saw them leave the store with the beer in a shopping cart. When he tried to stop them, the suspects fled in a white Nissan Maxima in an unknown direction.

Aug. 17

Marquis Court (simple assault/domestic violence)

A man reported getting an anonymous call and then being assaulted on Aug. 17.

He said the call came from a blocked number at 12:46 p.m., and the caller was his wife, who said, “I can’t believe you’re doing this. I’m going to get your [butt], trust me, and it won’t be just me.”

The victim said she is upset because she’s currently under investigation for child abuse.

When he pulled into his apartment complex around 1:45 p.m., he saw a blue pickup truck with no tag as he was parking. He said a white male ran up, yelling and swearing at him to get out of the car. The man pulled him out, and the wife struck the victim in the head with a stick while making threats and swearing. The victim said he jumped back inside his vehicle and drove to the sheriff’s substation to file a report and have photos taken of his injuries.

His wife has had a temporary protection order against him since Aug. 7.

Marley Street (false pretenses/swindle/confidence game)

A con man swindled a Marley Street couple out of $350 for yard work, she reported on Aug. 17.

She said the suspect came to their house around noon on Aug. 8, offering to do yard tasks, and she hired him to do some mulch work. He asked for $350 upfront to buy the mulch and do the work. She wrote him a check, which was cashed.

He didn’t return that day as promised. She later called him twice, and he put her off, saying he had personal issues but would come later that week. Her last contact with him was at 1:40 p.m. Aug. 15, and he has stopped taking her calls.

She provided the responding officer with the suspect’s name, phone number and description: A dark-complexioned black man, about 5 feet 8 inches tall, weighing around 160 lbs. She estimated his age at 30 to 40 years and said he drove a silver car of unknown make or model. She also said she believes he lives in the Arlington area.

The sheriff’s report noted that the suspect has an extensive history of theft, burglary and forgery.

Hidden Trail (threatening phone call)

Officers responding to a domestic violence call on the 12000 block of Hidden Trail on Aug. 17 encountered a different scene with multiple death threats.

The suspect called officers around 8:30 p.m., claiming that a man (the victim) was causing a disturbance at the home of the victim’s ex-girlfriend. Officers responded but found the residence to be secure and saw no disturbance. Neither the woman nor the suspect was at the scene.

The victim and two male witnesses (neighbors to the ex-girlfriend) flagged down the officers while they were at the home. One witness said the suspect called him earlier, threatening to call the sheriff’s office on the victim. That witness put the call on speakerphone so the victim and the second witness could hear the suspect.

The suspect reportedly threatened to shoot the victim and one of the witnesses in the head. The threat also seemed to be directed to the other witness as well. The victim said the suspect threatened to zip tie him, beat his head with a bolt and torture him. All three said they fear the suspect will come to their homes and try to harm them or the two witnesses’ wives.

U.S. 70 (misdemeanor vandalism)

Someone threw a rock and shattered the front window of A-Town Fitness (11994 U.S. 70) between 7:30 p.m. Aug. 17 and 5 a.m. Aug. 18. Responding officers found a medium-sized rock and observed the window’s destruction.

The complainant estimated the damages at $400. No surveillance equipment was in use at the site.

U.S. 70 (counterfeiting/forgery)

The manager of Fred’s (11888 U.S. 70) said on Aug. 18 that two men used counterfeit $100 bills at her store. The in-store security video shows two unknown black males entering the store at 6:08 p.m. Aug. 17. Each bought one item, using a counterfeit bill.

She described both men at about 5 feet 9 inches tall and weighing 160 pounds. The first wore a headband and white T-shirt, and the second wore a black T-shirt and long shorts.

Bank employees at Trustmark in Arlington checked the bills and confirmed them as counterfeits on Aug. 18. The store manager provided the bills to the responding officer along with the bank’s counterfeit reports.

The manager also said two men matching the suspect’s descriptions visited the store on Aug. 16, trying to buy cartons of cigarettes with several credit cards that didn’t work.

The sheriff’s office alerted the U.S. Secret Service to the incident.

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Aug. 19

Airline Road (threatening phone call)

An employee at Sonic (6101 Airline Road) reported on Aug. 19 that an unknown person began sending him threatening text messages. The threats were to beat, shoot and rob him, or alternately to beat the victim’s girlfriend. The texter demanded that they meet and “shot it out” behind Pizza Hut and said the victim would be lucky if the texter didn’t come to his house. The texter said the victim has been getting on his girlfriend’s nerves.

The victim feared for his safety, and he doesn’t know who the suspect is.

U.S. 70 (theft from building/access device)

A woman reported on Aug. 19 that someone stole her wallet from her purse while it was in her shopping card at Kroger (11635 U.S. 70). Security footage that showed two black males enter the store and follow her. One ditched his empty shopping cart at a register and left hurriedly around the same time as the second suspect left.

The victim said someone charged a total of $4,431.96 at Best Buy (7989 U.S. 64) and Target (2755 North Germantown Parkway) on her card the same day. Officers asked for the Kroger store manager to provide a copy of the store security video.

Aug. 20

Airline Road (business burglary)

Someone broke the glass front door ($1,000), stole $1,000 from the cash register and took lottery tickets from the Shell station (5055 Airline Road). The incident happened between 1:45 a.m. and 2:05 a.m. Aug. 20.

An anonymous passerby called 911 to report that she saw a male break the glass and enter the business as she came off the exit ramp and turned north onto Airline. She said a silver Cadillac was creeping south on Airline just north of the crime scene, and the driver was a man in a black sweatshirt.

The lottery tickets included 44 for $25, 16 for $20, 140 for $10, 203 for $5, 171 for $3, 599 for $2 and 1,023 for $1.

The store has video surveillance of the crime.

Aug. 21

Chester Street (identity theft)

A couple on the 4400 block of Chester Street reported Aug. 21 that they were victims of identity theft. An IRS letter notified them that someone had used their Social Security numbers to file an income tax return.

It was unknown at the time of the report if there had been any monetary losses or if any goods or services had been bought using their personal information.

The victims have notified their creditors.

Aug. 24

Doctor Logan Road (simple assault)
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A woman reported on Aug. 24 that her sister attacked her during a recent visit at their mother’s home on the 11800 block of Doctor Logan Road.

The woman said she and her sister argued on Aug. 20, and then her sister struck her about the head with a cellphone, causing swelling. The victim said when she tried to leave, the attacking sister continuously came after her, fighting and cursing.

The victim said she called 911 because the sister has threatened to kill her several times, but then her brother told her to leave. She thought a report had been taken at the time.

She filed for an order of protection against her sister on Aug. 21, and it granted with a court date of Sept. 8.

She went to Baptist Hospital in Memphis on Aug. 23 because of continuous headaches. She was treated for a contusion and given pain medication.

Nectar Ridge Drive (other larceny/commercial construction)

On Aug. 24, an employee of Regency Home Builders reported the theft of a tankless water heater ($2,500) from a home under construction on the 12500 block of Nectar Ridge.

He said the theft must have occurred between 4 p.m. Aug. 21 and 8 a.m. Aug. 24, when he went into the attic and saw the water heater was gone. It appeared that someone cut the pipes.

There were no doors or other barriers at the unfinished residence to prevent intruders from removing the water heater.

The complainant did not have a make, model or serial number for the water heater.

Aug. 27

Dunsmuir Lane (false pretenses/swindle/confidence game)

A resident on the 12100 block of Dunsmuir Lane reported on Aug. 27 that he’d been swindled out of $250 for yard work that was never completed.

He said an unknown suspect approached him between 5:30 p.m. and 5 p.m. Aug. 25, offering to clean and mulch his flowerbeds. He agreed and paid the suspect $250 in cash.

The suspect did not return to start the work.

The suspect drove an older model Nissan Sentra, and the victim provided the license tag number to the responding officer. The victim didn’t get the suspect’s name or phone number.

Officers identified the vehicle as belonging to a Memphis man residing on Brownbark Drive.

Scarlett Fields Drive (theft from building)

A resident on the 5400 block of Scarlett Fields Drive reported on Aug. 27 that someone had stolen his prescription medication.

He said the theft must have happened between 10 a.m. and 6:30 p.m. Aug. 24.

He looked for the medication for three days and was unable to find it. He saw no signs of forced entry into the house.

The medicines included four Xanax pills, 20 Wellbutrin pills, 60 Depakote pills and 40 Klonopin pills.


