Phi Sigma Theta has announced that Ebony S. Luster, the daughter of Nelson and Almeda Cannon Luster of Memphis, has recently become a member of Phi Sigma Theta National Honor Society at Florida Agricultural Mechanical University (FAMU).
Phi Sigma Theta is dedicated to recognizing and rewarding academic achievement among undergraduates at institutions of higher learning.
Ebony, a 2014 graduate of Bolton High School, is a sophomore engineering major at FAMU.
Evan M. Luster, the son of Nelson and Almeda Cannon Luster, recently became a member of the Schola Can-torum distinguished choir at Middle Tennes-see State University (MTSU). The choir is led by Dr. Raphael Bundage, director of choral activities and opera at MTSU.
Evan, a 2014 Bolton High School graduate, is a sophomore pre-physical therapy major at MTSU.