At a Glance for July 23, 2015

1x2 back to school tease

You’ll rule for back to school

See this week’s special section for all the information you need to be ready when school (gasp) starts up again next month. Just tell us one thing: Where has the summer gone?

CANCELLED: July training set up for Bartlett Kids Triathlon

The Bartlett Recreation Center (BRC) is hosting a July 25 training workshop to prepare youths for competition in the upcoming Bartlett Kids Triathlon on Aug. 8. [UPDATE: This training has been cancelled due to low enrollment. The triathlon itself is still on; it’s just the training that has been cancelled.]

See our events calendar online for details on the triathlon.

Area blood bank urges donors to give July 28

Your donation is still needed! SunTrust Bank is hosting “SunTrust Saves Summer,” a community blood drive 9 a.m.-3 p.m. July 28 at SunTrust Bank’s office at 999 S. Shady Grove Rd.

All donors will receive refreshments and a Lifeblood T-shirt as a special thank you. Donors must be at least 17 years old (or 16 with parental consent), weigh at least 115 lbs., and be in generally good health.

The blood drive is open to the public and walk-ins are welcome. Call (901) 522-8585 or visit for more information or an appointment.

Votes are in for 2015 winners!

readers-choice-2015-logo-smallSee the results of your voting on Aug. 13 (new date) in the 2015 Readers’ Choice Awards.

We can’t wait to reveal who you voted as the best in Bartlett!