The Bartlett Police Department (BPD) reported handling the following incidents for July 6-12.
This listing includes only the most notable cases for the week and is not a comprehensive list of police activities.
Editor’s note: All suspects are presumed to be innocent until proven guilty in a court of law, and values are estimated for stolen/damaged items. These are brief summaries of detailed BPD reports.
July 6
Luther Road (auto theft)
Someone stole a 2008 maroon Honda Accord from a carport on Luther Road last week. The theft happened between 10 p.m. July 5 and 5:40 a.m. July 6. The vehicle was locked, and the man said he didn’t hear any disturbance during the night.
Blackheath Drive (vandalism)
The owner of a 2001 Z6 Chevrolet Corvette woke up on July 6 to find that someone had keyed (scratched) his car’s driver’s side, trunk and passenger side. The vandalism occurred between 6 p.m. July 5 and 9 a.m. July 6 while the car was in his driveway.
He reported a suspicion that his ex-girlfriend might have done the damage.
Oak Road (theft of property)
A man reported on July 6 that someone had stolen two flags from his property. He discovered the theft at 7 a.m. July 5. One was a 3-by-5-foot American flag, and the other was a Tennessee state flag of the same size.
Ballard Drive (theft)
Someone stole one of the two Goodman three-ton air conditioning units from a new home’s side yard between noon July 2 and 1 p.m. July 6.
July 7
Venson area (public intoxication, auto burglary)
An officer arrested a suspect for public intoxication just before 6 a.m. July 7. Based on the man’s location in the Venson area and his statements about burglarizing cars, the officer checked his own unlocked Jeep Wrangler and found it had been burglarized.
Items stolen included a pair of white Oakley sunglasses ($175) and a blue New Era baseball cap ($20). He contacted other officers to report the auto burglary.
The suspect still had the baseball cap on his person at the time of the public intoxication arrest. The baseball cap was recovered and returned to the officer. The detective division is further investigating the crime.
Bristol Park Drive (auto burglary)
A woman reported on July 7 that someone burglarized her 2005 Toyota 4Runner while it was parked at the Legends at Wolfchase Apartments on Bristol Park Drive.
The burglar took a black nylon backpack ($20) containing a silver Macbook Pro 13 laptop ($1,300) and a white Apple iPad 3 ($500).
July 9
Earlynn Drive (theft)
A woman reported on July 9 that someone had stolen six silver solar lights from her front yard. Four had been placed in her front flower beds and two were by her mailbox.
July 10
Bristol Park Drive (theft from motor vehicle)
A woman reported that someone stole several items from her vehicle between 9 p.m. July 8 and 4 p.m. July 10.
Items included a Garmin Nuvi GPS, Swiss brand black and red GPS carry case ($50), Coach brand multicolored wallet ($60), Legends of Wolfchase gate entry key card ($50), Bahama Breeze gift card ($50), First Tennessee Debit card, Regions saving account card and a Tennessee handgun carry permit card.
A white male who said he works for Methodist Hospital returned the permit to her, saying that it had been found on the lot of Jerry’s Sno Cones (1657 Wells Station Rd, Memphis).
Quail Ridge Drive (vandalism)
A man heard a loud boom around 9 p.m. July 10 and immediately investigated the noise. He found that his front glass storm door was shattered.
When he opened his garage door to walk around the house to the front door, he saw a small dark vehicle speed off from the corner of Quail Ridge Drive and Course View Drive, heading southeast on Quail Ridge.
July 12
Hideaway Lane (theft)
A man reported on July 12 that someone stole his Gary Fisher mountain bike ($550) from his carport. The bike is silver and black with standard bike pedals.
Spinners Cove (theft from motor vehicle)
A man reported July 12 that someone stole a wallet with his Tennessee driver’s license and $546 in cash from his truck while it was parked at his Spinners Cove home.