MLGW program to reconnect needy customers

a-cMLGW 4-c logo spot [Converted]With the heat index expected to exceed 100 degrees this week, Memphis Light, Gas and Water Division activated its Special Reconnection Program for residential customers on Tuesday.

This is designed to help customers manage their bills at a time when services are needed to cope with the extreme heat.

Residential customers who are currently without one or more utility services can pay $250 plus a reconnect fee toward their outstanding balance to re-establish utility service.

Applicants are required to complete a Hazardous Weather Agreement and enter into a deferred payment plan for their remaining outstanding balances. Repayment agreements can range from five to nine months, depending on the balance.

Eligible customers can bring two forms of identification and payment to one of MLGW’s five community centers:

  • 245 S. Main St., Memphis
  • 2935 Lamar Ave., Memphis
  • 1111 E. Shelby Drive, Memphis
  • 2424 Summer Ave., Memphis
  • 5131 Navy Road, Millington

Community offices will remain open until 7 p.m. on weekdays to process these special reconnects.

This program is separate from the weather-related moratorium policy that in effect whenever these conditions exist:

  • The forecast heat index will be 100 degrees F. or above at any time during a 24-hour period, or
  • The forecast heat index will be 95 degrees F. or above at any time in a 24-hour period for customers who are 60 years or older, physically challenged, or certified as life-support dependent.