No more complaints – After Friday

By Cheri Thacker

I recently complained that the crumb snatchers have reached the age where they aren’t fun to buy Christmas for anymore.  You know how teenagers are—I need the latest, greatest. This, for our household, means that’s about all you get.  But after Friday, I’m thankful that I still have them to buy for.

I recently complained that the crumb snatchers keep dragging all their friends over to mess up my nice clean floors and eat up all our groceries.  Really…ALL of them.  But after Friday, I’m thankful that the crumb snatchers still have their friends.

Chief Money Maker just complained when he cosigned a note for a 2006 Honda Accord for Sweet Pea because she batted her eyes and he just couldn’t say no.  But after Friday, he’s thankful he had the experience of helping a child fulfill their dream of purchasing their first car.

I just complained that my health insurance is making me go through hoops to get tests that I need.  But after Friday, I’m thankful I’m not arguing with a life insurance company.

I always complain that Jumper barks at the elementary school children waiting for the bus in the morning.  But after Friday, I patted his head and waved to the children as they walked by.

I almost complained that Chief Money Maker is working when he is supposed to be on vacation…and then I remembered Friday.

In loving memory of:

Charlotte Bacon, 6

 Daniel Barden, 7

 Rachel Davino, 29

 Olivia Engel, 6

 Josephine Gay, 7

 Ana Marquez-Greene, 6

 Dylan Hockley, 6

 Dawn Hochsprung, 47

 Madeleine Hsu, 6

 Catherine Hubbard, 6

 Chase Kowalski, 7

 Jesse Lewis, 6

 James Mattioli, 6

 Grace McDonnell, 7

 Anne Marie Murphy, 52

 Emilie Parker, 6

 Jack Pinto, 6

 Noah Pozner, 6

 Caroline Previdi, 6

 Jessica Rekos, 6

 Avielle Richman, 6

 Lauren Rousseau, 30

 Mary Sherlach, 56

 Victoria Soto, 27

 Benjamin Wheeler, 6

 Allison Wyatt, 6