Bartlett Police reports for April 27-May 3, 2015

The Bartlett crime report for April 27 to May 3 includes a robbery victim who was choked unconscious, as well as thefts of trailers, car valuables and yard tools.

Editor’s note: All suspects are presumed to be innocent until proven guilty in a court of law, and values are estimated for stolen/damaged items. These are brief summaries of detailed BPD reports.

April 27

Bartlett Boulevard (thefts from motor vehicles)

Bartlett police badgeTwo vistors to the Bartlett Boulevard Soccer Park (3170 Bartlett Boulevard) reported thefts from their vehicles on April 27.

A woman found that someone had broken into her Ford F350 and stolen her purse from the front passenger side.

While on the scene, responding officers responded to a second theft nearby. A man reported that someone had broken into his Chrysler 200 and stolen his cell phone from the center console.

Witnesses identified the suspects as two black males in a silver GMC Acadia SUV. The driver was thin with long dreads pulled into a bun, and he wore a tan shirt. The passenger was of medium to heavy build with a medium complexion.

Deerfield Lane (residential burglary)

A woman reported on April 27 that someone stole multiple tools and supplies from her garage between April 10 and April 17.

She said her garage door is off track, and someone must have lifted it enough to pick the padlock and enter the garage.

Items stolen included an orange Black & Decker gas-powered chainsaw, a red-and-black Craftsman shop vacuum, a blue steel tabletop vise, an orange Black & Decker electric edger, a gray Worx blower and two five-gallon buckets of white exterior paint.

The homeowner provided serial numbers for the items stolen.

April 28

Summer Avenue (theft from motor vehicle)

Someone stole a $600 phone from a truck while the owner’s back was turned and he was pumping gas, the victim reported on April 28.

He said his black Samsung Galaxy S-5 was on the seat when he parked his pickup at the Shell Gas Station (6390 Summer Ave.) around 3 p.m. and began filling his tank.

He drove off and didn’t notice the theft until he reached for his phone a short while later. He did not see anyone near his truck during the incident, but the truck was unlocked and the phone was in plain view.

April 29

Daybreak Drive (auto burglary)

A resident on Daybreak Drive reported around 7 a.m. April 29 that someone had rummaged through her vehicle and stolen a blue/black Nike “Swingman” backpack ($80) and a brown Columbia rain jacket ($50).

May 2

Elmore Park Road (trailer theft)

A resident on the 2600 block of Elmore Park Road reported May 2 that someone had stolen his 6- by 12-foot trailer.

The owner said the trailer was parked facing south behind his home.

The trailer has a dark red/rusted angle iron frame, fender flares and black wheels. It also has a 4-foot metal gate that was bent on the rear with expanded metal flooring and piping/pins for hinges.

Stage Road (robbery)

A basketball game turned into a violent attack and robbery May 2 in Bartlett.

A group of people were playing basketball at the New Consortium of Law and Business (6165 Stage Road) around 8:50 p.m. when a dark Ford F150 pulled into the lot. Three black males and one white male got out and attacked two of the players.

One attacker put Victim 1 in a chokehold until he was unconscious. When he woke up, two attackers were punching him and emptying his pockets.

He said they stole $80 in cash, a blue backpack ($45), shirt ($5), phone charger ($20), and damaged his $250 iPhone 4s.

The responding officers saw a large knot and abrasion on the victim’s forehead, but he refused medical attention at the scene.

The victim said he knew all of the suspects.

Officers found one suspect in the Bartlett Heights apartments around 11 p.m. and took him into custody.
Officers took him to the scene, where the two victims and two witnesses all positively identified him as one of the suspects.

The officers already knew that the suspect had been issued a trespass warning for the Bartlett Heights apartments, and they took him to juvenile court for robbery and criminal trespass.

The other witnesses corroborated the victim’s accounts of the incident and the identity of the suspects. The other three suspects were still at large at the time of the report.

Stage Road (auto burglary)

A man cutting grade at Grand Pacific Buffet (6501 Stage Road) was the victim of an early morning parking lot predator on May 2.

It was around 7:20 a.m. when he looked over at his Ford F150 in the parking lot and saw a dark four-door sedan next to it. He was waiting for his nephew to arrive and help mow, so he thought it was him at first.

Then he saw a black male stand up between the vehicles. The victim ran over to his truck, but the suspect got into his sedan and drove off in reserve, exiting through the back entrance onto Stage Center Drive.

The items stolen from the unlocked truck included a black leather trifold wallet ($45) and a black laptop case ($50).

Stage Road (alarm call)

An officer responded to an alarm at Fred’s (6064 Stage Road) around 2 a.m. May 2. When he arrived, he could hear the alarm, and there were no people or cars in the area.

The double-paned drive-thru pharmacy window on the west side of the building was shattered, apparently with a round object such as the end of a baseball bat.

The officer determined that no one had entered the building. Pieces of glass and a broken Fred’s pen were in in the drive-thru area, and no other evidence was located.

The keyholder arrived around 4 a.m. No objects were missing from the store.

Surrey Wood Drive (vehicle theft)

A man reported an assault and truck theft around 3 a.m. May 2 on Surrey Wood Drive.

He said that he and the suspect were arguing about moving when the suspect slapped his face, grabbed his keys and stole the victim’s 2002 white Ford F150 pickup from the driveway.

The victim said he wants to prosecute for the truck theft but not for the assault.

May 3

Elmore Park Road (trailer theft)

A resident on the 2500 block of Elmore Park reported on May 3 that someone had stolen the trailer from his side yard. He the theft occurred between 2 p.m. May 1 and 6:30 p.m. May 3.

He described the item as an 8-by-6-foot tandem axle trailer. It is a faded black with rust and is made of square metal framing and a wood floor with an attached black Snap-on toolbox.