Lakeland city recorder dismissed on Monday

Lakeland city hall
Lakeland’s City Hall is unexpectedly one staff member lighter as of Monday.

Sontidra Thomas, the city employee with the longest tenure at 17 years, was fired for a personnel policy violation.

The termination was effective immediately.

The details have not been released, although interim city manager Jim Atkinson said the issue was not a criminal one.

He has described it as a “one-time careless act left to continue for a period of time.”

Until the city can advertise and fill her position, her former colleagues will be pitching to ensure the necessary work is completed.

“There will be a strain on staff to cover the recorder responsibilities, but other staff, including myself, will absorb the workload,” Atkinson said.

Written by Carolyn Bahm, Express editor. Contact her at (901) 433-9138 or via email to

One thought on “Lakeland city recorder dismissed on Monday

  1. Tamara says:

    Hmm. That’s a long tenure for a sudden departure. I hope all parties are able to recover quickly.

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