March wrap-up of Mid-South events

Tango event to be offered at GPAC

tango-webTango Buenos Aires will be offered at Germantown Performing Arts Center (GPAC) at 7:30 p.m. March 19. The dance has become an Argentine export, known as an authentic and uncompromising representative of the tango.

The show sponsor is Dorothy Kirsch, and the day sponsors are Sam and Ann Beach.

Tickets are $30, $35, $45 or $75, depending on location. To purchase, call the Box Office at (901) 751-7500 or go online and select “Buy Tickets.”

Peace forum set for Olive Branch

The Mid-South Rotary District (6800) will host its annual peace forum at 9 a.m.-noon March 21 at Whispering Woods Conference Center in Olive Branch, Miss. Joseph C. Gibbs from the Rotary Club of Clarksdale, Miss., will moderate a panel of three community leaders.

The event is free, and the topic will be the need for a joint effort to solve issues related to juvenile crime. Focuses will be on parent and early childhood development, job readiness, and legislative reform.

Panelists will be William “Bill” Courtney, a business leader; Luther Mercer, an educator; and Celeste Wilson, a DeSoto County (Miss.) youth court judge.

The forum will be a call for Rotary members, clubs and district to provide leadership and take action along with community leaders and existing organizations.

The goal is to reduce juvenile crime in the Mid-South by 50 percent within the next five years. This commitment was unanimously approved by the district’s board of directors, involving 41 Rotary Clubs and 2,000 Rotarians in the northern one-third of Mississippi, Memphis and Shelby County, Tenn.

For more information on Rotary, visit or Interested parties may also listen to District 6800’s “Rotary on the Radio” on AM990 in the Memphis metro area, airing 8-9 a.m. on Thursdays. The programming also streams live online at

Low-cost garden workshop to be offered March 21

Seed packet and trowelShelby Farms Park Conservancy and the Memphis Area Master Gardeners are teaming up for a series of workshops in the Greenline Gardens. The second workshop will be 9 a.m.-10 a.m. March 21 on the topic of “Seeds + Plant Propagation.”

Participants will learn new skills and will be introduced to the natural resources found at Shelby Farms Park. Workshops are $5 per person, but they are free for Shelby Farms Park Conservancy Members (fees cover workshop materials). Each workshop will be in the Learning Arbor (6489 Mullins Station Road, Memphis). Other workshop dates are April 18 and Aug. 15.

Would-be gardeners who want to attend should RSVP to Coral O’Connor at (901) 222-7265 or

BCC Band slates March 21 concert

musical notesThe Bartlett Community Concert Band’s annual concert on March 21 will showcase soaring musical arrangements by 65 talented community musicians, all under the direction of Dr. Rhendle Millen.

The event will begin at 7 p.m., and the specific program will be announced later.

The sponsor is Wiemar Jewelry.

For more information, see the BPACC website at or call (901) 385-6440.

Storm Spotter course now open for enrollment

tornadoThe Shelby County Office of Preparedness will offer a free SKYWARN Basic Storm Spotter Course at 7 p.m. March 24 at the Lord of Life Lutheran Church (6865 Poplar Pike, Memphis).

The instruction includes a brief introduction to the National Weather Service (NWS), the different types of hazardous weather and how to safely observe them, the types of severe weather to report, and how to send those reports to the NWS. No prior knowledge of weather or weather observing is necessary to attend this training.

To register, contact Joe Lowenthal at (901) 628-4318 or send an email to