At a Glance for March 5, 2015

Tick-tock: It’s time to save daylight again

DST-imageKeep an eye on those clocks this weekend: Daylight Saving Time begins at 2 a.m. Sunday, March 8. A good practice is to adjust settings ahead by one hour before bedtime Saturday night.

And you can click here for some fun trivia, such as the man who avoided the draft because of a Daylight Saving Time loophole.

Applications end March 13 for BCS transfers

BCS140127-B_MarkThe Bartlett City Schools district is reminding parents and students of an important deadline: Open enrollment transfers for the 2015-16 school year are being accepted through 4 p.m. March 13. Go to open_enrollment_transfers for details and application forms.

Students who received a transfer for the 2014-2015 school year must reapply if they wish to attend the BCS district’s schools in 2015-2016.

Contact Student Services with any questions at (901) 202-0855, Ext. 238.

Take home a new furry friend

shelter-petThe Bartlett Animal Shelter, like other refuges for homeless pets, has kennels full of new best friends for someone.

See details and photos in our “Pets of the Week” post.

Tips for potential new pet owners: See the website for the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) for great advice on bringing a pet into your home, things to think about before you adopt, determining what pet is right for you, and good things about adopting older dogs.