Fraudulent checks, a knock-down fight between a man’s fiancée and his ex-wife, as well as pistol thefts and a destroyed mailbox are among the incidents the Shelby County Sheriff’s Office (SCSO) handled in Arlington during February.
Editor’s note: All suspects are presumed to be innocent until proven guilty in a court of law, and values are estimated for stolen/damaged items. These are brief summaries of detailed SCSO reports.

Feb. 4
Airline Road (counterfeiting/forgery)
A spokesman for Triumph Bank (5810 Airline Road) reported on Feb. 4 that suspects had cashed fraudulent checks totaling $19,806.06 at several branch offices between Dec. 1 and Dec. 3.
A bank report on Dec. 3 revealed the unusual pattern of two people cashing eight large checks in one day on the business account of Crows Truck Service. The business confirmed the checks were fraudulent. A deeper investigation showed that a third person had cashed two additional checks the previous day.
Germantown Police arrested a fourth person when he tried and failed to pass a fradulent check at the North Street branch office for $878.42 on the third day of the check-cashing spree.
Investigating officers matched two additional suspects’ suveillance photos to the driver’s licenses they presented when cashing the checks.
Feb. 6
Airline Road (theft from building)
A mother reported on Feb. 6 that someone stole her son’s cellphone when he left it on his desk in English class at Arlington High School (5475 Airline Road) earlier that day.
Feb. 7
Chester Street (forcible rape)
Officers responded at 3:25 p.m. Feb. 7 to a report of forcible rape on Chester Street. No additional information is available.
Misty Trails (simple assault/domestic violence)
An Arlington couple’s argument over an ending relationship turned physical between 10 p.m. and 11:18 p.m. Feb. 7.
The man said he asked his soon-to-be ex-girlfriend to leave, but she punched the left side of his face several times and refused to leave without her phone.
He told her he would return it when she got in her car, and he managed to get her out of the house, he said. She fell near the front door, and he called the sheriff’s office.
The woman denied hitting him and said his push out of the house made her hit her head on the doorway.
The responding officers observed that both were intoxicated and neither had any visible signs of injury. The officers did not make any arrests.
Feb. 8
U.S. 70 (simple assault)
An SCSO sergeant was shopping at Kroger (11635 U.S. 70) around 12:30 p.m. Feb. 8 when he saw a white man and woman arguing about a car the man was giving to a male youth. Before the sergeant could approach the two (later identified as a divorced couple), another woman (later identified as the man’s fiancée) jumped in and punched the other woman in the face.
Both women started swinging punches and fell to the ground with the fiancée on top. The sergeant separated them and remained until an on-duty officer arrived.
The man said his ex struck first, but the youth (the former couple’s son) said his dad’s fiancée threw the first punch.
The fiancée received medical treatment from Arlington Fire, and the ex-wife refused all medical treatment.
Airline Road (misdemeanor vandalism)
An employee of Arlington Community Schools (ACS) was responding to an alarm at Donelson Elementary at 6:35 p.m. Feb. 8 when he saw two male youths behind the school.
The boys, both students at Arlington High, admitted they were playing with a golf ball on school property and broke a window. The officer issued each of them a juvenile summons for vandalism under $500.
Feb. 9
Airline Road (simple assault)
Two boys fought during gym class at Arlington High School just after 1 p.m. Feb. 9 in a squabble over who took the first boy’s vehicle keys. One push led to another, the first boy fell down the bleachers, and soon they were fighting in earnest.
The responding officer gave each a juvenile summons for simple assault and alerted their fathers.
A witness admitted to taking the keys and said they were just playing around.
The boy whose keys were taken was suspended for five days. The second boy was suspended for three days, and he had injuries to his upper left eye, nose and mouth.
Indian Walk Lane (identity theft)
A couple on the 4900 block of Indian Walk Lane reported on Feb. 9 that she and her husband tried to file their 2014 income taxes earlier that day and learned that someone had already filed using the husband’s Social Security Number (SSN).
Feb. 11
Donelson Drive (drug equipment violation)

An officer stopped a man for speeding at 12:33 a.m. Feb. 11 and saw signs of intoxication in the driver. The driver was headed east on Donelson Drive near Chester, going 45 mph in a 30 mph zone, and he stopped at the intersection of Donelson Drive and Hickory Run Place.
The officer saw the driver’s eyes were bloodshot, glassy and sleepy, and his speech was slow and slurred. The car’s interior smelled like raw marijuana, and the man was unsteady when he got out, smelling of marijuana and alcohol.
The officer patted him down and found a purple metal grinder from a front pocket. It contained a green leafy substance that smelled and looked like marijuana.
The officer conducted one sobriety test on the site but took him to another location nearby for additional testing for safety reasons. The driver erred on multiple tests.
He consented to a blood test, and the officer arrested him and took him to the Shelby County Jail. He was on diversion for reckless driving and DUI as of Jan. 11.
Gulfstream (simple assault)
The operations manager at R&L Carriers (11305 Gulfstream) reported that he called an employee into his office around 12:50 p.m. Feb. 11 to discuss his poor work performance. Then the employee punched the manager three times across the top of his head.
Witnesses heard the commotion, and one saw the victim backed up in the corner, being pummeled.
The employee fled in an unknown direction in his blue Honda Civic.
The responding officer saw a scratch on one side of the victim’s nose.
Aubrey Ranch (theft from motor vehicle)
A resident on the 6000 block of Aubrey Ranch reported on Feb.14 that someone had stolen his Ruger pistol from beneath the driver’s seat of his car.
The theft occurred between 4 p.m. Feb. 13 and around 5 a.m. Feb. 14.
Feb. 16
Doc Logan Cove (simple assault/domestic violence)
A resident on the 5700 block of Doc Logan Cove said her daughter showed up at her house around 11:15 p.m. Feb. 16, smelling of alcohol, yelling and cursing and acting combative about her children. (The mother has full custody of her daughter’s children.)
According to the mother, the daughter pushed her first, the mother pushed back, and the daughter threw things across the room and smashed a vase. The mother stopped her from removing the children or being in the same room with them. A witness said the daughter then went into another room to throw and break items.
The daughter told the responding officer she was pushed first and she didn’t break anything. She said she drank beer earlier at another location.
The two older children backed up their grandmother’s version of the incident, and the four-year-old said he didn’t know what happened.
The responding officer saw the broken vase and other items knocked to the floor, and he arrested the daughter. The mother said her neck was sore and stiff but she would get medical attention later.
Feb. 17
Dallas Ridge Drive (theft from building)
A resident on the 12200 block of Dallas Ridge Road reported on Feb. 17 that her Taurus 9mm firearm was missing from her nightstand.
She noticed the theft on Feb. 13 and said it could have been stolen anytime since October. Various family members visited during that period.
The firearm was stored in a lockbox with two load magazines. An SCSO dispatcher entered it into the National Crime Infor-mation Center (NCIC) database.
Memphis Arlington Road (misdemeanor vandalism)
Someone broke an Arlington woman’s mailbox between 11 a.m. and 2 p.m. Feb. 17. The woman, a resident on the 11200 block of Memphis Arlington Road, said she found the mailbox damaged and separated from the post.
A neighbor saw it in the road under a U.S. Postal Service truck, and the driver was on the phone as if she were reporting the incident. The neighbor did not see whether the postal carrier hit the mailbox and could not describe her.
Cahill Cove (simple assault/domestic violence)
A woman reported on Feb. 17 that her husband began removing property from their home on the 11100 block of Cahill Cove that afternoon, saying he was moving out.
They argued, and he told her to shut up, get out of his way and go upstairs. Then he pushed her and left, saying he would return for more property, she said.
The couple’s daughter heard them yelling but did not see the fight. She did see her father remove their 75-inch flat-screen TV, a computer and clothes.
The wife said the couple had planned to divorce but were trying to reconcile. She had just found out that he has been unfaithful. She said he has been verbally abusive in the past.
Feb. 18
Hidden Meadows (simple assault/domestic violence)
On Feb. 18, a son reported violent threats and an angry grab by his intoxicated father at their home on the 5300 block of Hidden Meadows. The son said his father has assaulted him twice previously.
They argued on Feb. 17, when the son was upset at his father’s intoxication and the father felt disrespected. The father threatened to knock his son’s teeth out. The son got a kitchen knife in case he needed to defend himself but didn’t approach his father. Neither reported the argument to the sheriff’s office.
The argument resumed around 3 p.m. the next afternoon. The son cursed, and the father grabbed his shirt and again threatened to knock his teeth out. The son said he called 911 because he didn’t feel able to defend himself. He refused to prosecute.
The dad’s story matched his son’s, and he said he didn’t feel threatened by the knife the previous day.
The responding officer confirmed that the father had a history of domestic assault and appeared to be under the influence of alcohol.
Feb. 19
Airline Road (simple assault)
Two male youths escalated an argument into a physical fight in the boys’ restroom near the study hall at Arlington High School around 12:35 p.m. Feb. 19. The school nurse checked them both out for minor bruising.
Both boys received a juvenile summons for assault, and one got a 10-day school suspension while the other got a five-day suspension.
Dallas Ridge Drive (theft from motor vehicle)
A resident on the 12200 block of Dallas Ridge Drive reported that someone stole a pistol from his pickup truck on Feb. 16.
The victim said he cranked his truck to warm it around 5:15 a.m., put his pistol in the center console and went back inside his home for 15-20 minutes, probably leaving the truck doors unlocked.
He drove straight to work and noticed the pistol was missing when he arrived around 6 a.m.
The firearm is a Springfield XDS .45 caliber with an extended magazine and trigger upgrade ($550).
An SCSO dispatcher listed the pistol’s serial number in the NCIC database.
Feb. 22
Bitter Bush (theft from building)
A woman on the 11600 block of Bitter Bush noticed multiple rings, a necklace and earrings ($6,700) were missing from her jewelry box on Feb. 22. She said the only visitor has been her stepson, and the last time she saw her jewelry was Feb. 13.
U.S. 70 (misdemeanor vandalism)
A female complainant reported car vandalism on Feb. 22 on U.S. 70. She blamed her ex-boyfriend’s sisters for damaging the car.
She and a friend were leaving the Kroger parking lot in the friend’s car when the sisters drove up and cursed at them. The complainant and friend left, heading north on U.S. 70 toward Tipton County. The sisters followed, pulled alongside the other vehicle, tossed something onto the driver’s side door and drove off.
The responding officer saw a small scratch on the door of the car.
Feb. 23
Patrick Street (felony vandalism)
Someone vandalized the driver’s side door handle and lock of a Dodge Ram 1500 pickup on the 11700 block of Patrick Street.
The damaged happened between 9 a.m. Feb. 22 and 6:45 p.m. Feb. 23.
Feb. 24
Airline Road (theft from motor vehicle)
A female victim reported a theft from her vehicle at Arlington High School (5475 Airline Road) between 6:40 a.m. and 2:05 p.m. Feb. 24.
She left her wallet in plain sight in her unlocked Chevrolet Cruz, and someone stole $300.

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