901Rocks! for Briarcrest middle-schoolers

Blair Jarvis at Briarcrest paints a stone for her 901Rocks! art class project. Courtesy photo.
Blair Jarvis at Briarcrest paints a stone for her 901Rocks! art class project. Courtesy photo.
Melody Weintraub's art class painted an assortment of rocks to be hidden around the community as part of a class project and the 901Rocks! movement.
Melody Weintraub’s art class painted an assortment of rocks to be hidden around the community as part of a class project and the 901Rocks! movement.

Decorated rocks, some with positive messages and some with just pretty designs, were the centerpiece of an art project at Briarcrest Christian School recently.

Students in Melody Weintraub’s middle school art class painted the rocks, and School Arts Magazine published an article about the project. The story, “Art Rocks in Memphis,” tells how the viral Memphis-based Facebook group “901Rocks!” began with the vision of two people and has grown to over 18,000 members worldwide.

The theme of the group is to use creativity and to cultivate kindness. So, after learning about public art and the art of environmental artist Andy Goldsworthy, students painted positive messages or designs on the rocks provided and wrote, “#901Rocks!” somewhere on the stone. Students will take the rocks home for the summer and hide them for others to find across their community. (Some call this “art farming.”) When someone finds a rock, they usually know to post a photo of it on the website at 901rocks.com.

“Using art to spread hope or a little smile is a positive way that we can show Christ’s love to others,” Weintraub said.

Search for “901 Rocks” on Facebook, follow @901RocksTN on Twitter or visit the website 901Rocks.com for more information.