5th annual pickleball tourney heads to Bartlett April 6

Despite the sport’s use of a relatively slow-moving perforated ball, pickleball players pounded the courts and sent the ball humming over the nets at Bartlett Recreation Center during last week’s Spring Fling Pickleball Tourney. The event benefitted Youth Villages of West Tennessee. About 130 people from multiple states participated. Photo by Carolyn Bahm.
A LOOK BACK AT 2017: Despite the sport’s use of a relatively slow-moving perforated ball, pickleball players pounded the courts and sent the ball humming over the nets at Bartlett Recreation Center during last week’s Spring Fling Pickleball Tourney. The event benefitted Youth Villages of West Tennessee. About 130 people from multiple states participated. Archived 2017 photo by Carolyn Bahm.

The Bartlett Recreation Center and Singleton Community Center will be hosting the 5th annual Spring Fling Pickleball Charity Tourney the weekend of April 6. This tournament draws over 130 players from the Mid-South and surrounding states during a two-day tournament.

Pickleball is a game resembling tennis in which players use paddles to hit a perforated plastic ball over a net. It combines elements of badminton, tennis and table tennis.

The event hosts play on 12 pickleball courts for men’s doubles, women’s doubles and mixed doubles. There are all skill levels of play, from 2.0 (beginner) to 5.0 (highest rating).

All proceeds from the tournament go to benefit the YVLifeSet program at Youth Villages of West Tennessee. Over the past four years, the tournament has generated more than $15,000 for Youth Villages’ programs.

One of the event’s organizers, Mike Bilger, said, “We hope to have a significant increase in that amount this year, due to the wonderful support for the tournament by the local vendor community.”

YVLifeSet helps provide support to vulnerable young people at the edge of adulthood with the support they need to realize their own potential. This program gives former foster youth a good start on a successful adulthood.

For more information, contact tournament director Rick Darling at (901) 604-5668 or rick.darling@att.net, or contact Bilger at (901) 826-8398 or yellolab45@aol.com.