5 local businesses disciplines for breaking laws in February

One Bartlett business professional and four Memphis businesses were among those disciplined for various law violations in February, the most recent month for which data is available.

The information comes from the Tennessee Department of Commerce and Insurance’s (TDCI) Division of Regulatory Boards. The division has released its February Disciplinary Action Report, which compiles the actions taken by its boards and commissions that month.

Following are local disciplinary actions. See the February report for the whole state at bit.ly/TDCI-Feb2019.

Cosmetology & barber

  • Bermel’s of Memphis, no licensed shop manager was present during the operation of the business, $500 civil penalty on Feb. 6
  • Cordarious Maurice Waller of Memphis, providing eyelashes services without a license, $1,000 civil penalty on Feb. 21
    Funeral directors and embalmers
  • Justin Ford Funeral Home of Memphis, did not have a fixed place of business for 13 days and failed to notify the board of a change of location within the time limits required by law, $21,000 civil penalty and $755 hearing costs on Feb. 19

Private Protective Services

  • Los Cabos Mexican Restaurant of Memphis, hiring unlicensed guards, $500 civil penalty on Feb. 1
    Real Estate Appraisers
  • Norma Lynn Wood of Bartlett, USAP violations, 30 hours of continuing education specific to sales comparison and 15 hours of education related to report on Feb. 21

The Division of Regulatory Boards ensures that persons meet minimum professional standards.

To check a license of a professional regulated by the department, go to verify.tn.gov.