With approval of Phase 1 spending, Bartlett is now a few steps closer to its master plan of creating an off-street bike and walking trail from U.S. 64 to Brunswick Road.
The multi-phase project, known as the Fletcher Creek Greenway, will be similar to the Greenline in east Memphis and along the Wolf River. Construction is expected to start in about two years.
At the March 11 city board meeting, Bartlett’s aldermen took two steps toward the project:
- They approved an amended contract with the Tennessee Department of Transportation (TDOT) for the design and construction of Phase 1 (U.S. 64 to Yale Road). The total estimated cost for Phase 1 is $1,499,949. The city will pick up 20 percent of the cost on Phase 1, amounting to about $299,000. However, Bartlett’s engineering director Rick McClanahan estimates that the project could come in under budget with the city’s portion closer to $240,000.
- The board also approved Barge Waggoner Sumner and Cannon’s proposed survey and engineering design for Phase 1 at a cost of $20,000.
The total cost of all phases of the project is estimated at approximately $3.6 million. The local match for all phases is $720,000, McClanahan said.
McClanahan provided a Phase 1 cost breakdown:
- National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), $51,265
- Design, $186,234
- Right-of-way acquisition, $12,500
- Construction, $1,041,250
- Construction inspection, $187,500
- TDOT overview, $21,200
Design work for the project has not been started yet, but the master plan is available for viewing at McClanahan’s office at at 6382 Stage Road at any time during regular business hours.
Written by Carolyn Bahm, Express editor. Contact her at (901) 433-9138 or carolyn.bahm@journalinc.com.