4 Mid-South residents compete in international disc golf tourney

Residents from Arlington, Atoka, Munford and Memphis are among the Tennessee residents who participated in the recent Glass Blown Open Disc Golf Tournament in Emporia, Kan. More than 1,600 professional and amateur disc golf players from 42 states and nine nations traveled to Emporia, Kansas, during April 21-29 to complete in the event, the biggest tournament in the history of disc golf.

Local participants were Richard McMorran of Arlington, Konnor Kessler of Atoka, and J. Ray and Philip Belknap, both of Memphis.

The winner was Eagle McMahon of Boulder, Colo. See details about this year’s winner and the strong competition at discgolf.ultiworld.com. For details about the tournament, visit glassblownopen.com.

Disc golf is one of the fastest growing sports in the United States, growing at a rate of 15 percent per year. For this tournament, the name “Glass Blown Open” comes from the unique blown-glass trophies presented to the winners.