Bartlett Police reports for Oct. 16-22, 2017

bpd-badge-84x117The Bartlett Police Department handled the following incideents for the period of Oct. 16-22. These represent the most notable incidents for the reporting period and do not necessarily reflect all police activity.

Editor’s note: All suspects are presumed to be innocent until proven guilty in a court of law, and values are estimated for stolen/damaged items. These are brief summaries of detailed BPD reports. Incidents are listed in order of the dates they were reported.

Oct. 16

Appling Road (theft of vehicle parts/accessories)

A man reported that his Tennessee license plate was missing from his vehicle. He wasn’t sure if it was stolen from his home or somewhere else.

U.S. 64 (bad check)

At Wolfchase Chrysler (8170 U.S. 64), a customer wrote a check for about $18,000 from her personal bank account on Sept. 9 for a vehicle. The dealership received noticed that the account had been closed and had negative results trying to contact the customer to get a good payment. A 10-day letter was sent on Oct. 3, and she signed for it on Oct. 8.

Blue Springs (theft from building)

A woman said someone stole her son’s .25-caliber pistol while he was staying at her home. The gun was stored under a mattress in her daughter’s bedroom. They were unable to locate the pistol on Oct. 16 and believe a family acquaintance stole it.

Brickmont Drive (identity theft)

Unknown suspects have been trying to open credit cards in a woman’s name since April 3, a woman reported. One of her credit cards was cut off without her permission, and a new card was sent to another address. She canceled the card before the suspects could use it. The Clovis, Calif., police department called her, advising that they had a suspect in custody for identity theft. The suspect had all of her personal information in his possession.

Oct. 17

North Brother Boulevard (auto burglary)

Someone stole a woman’s purse from her car while she was taking her small child into the Children First daycare (8045 N. Brother Boulevard). The purse contained an iPhone and other personal items. The theft happened between approximately 7:30 a.m. and 7:50 a.m.

Oct. 18

Bartlett Boulevard (theft from building)

A spokesman for Wing Stop (2839 Bartlett Blvd.) reported a former employee failed to return her company laptop despite numerous opportunities.

St. Elmo (vandalism)

Someone vandalized a van belonging to Easthill Baptist Church (7054 St. Elmo). The complainant last saw the van undamaged around 4 p.m. the previous day. She found the damage when she returned around 9:45 a.m. Oct. 18.

The driver’s door was open and the window of the bi-fold passenger entrance door was shattered. The rear view mirror was ripped from the windshield and broken on the floor. Someone had removed a panel above the driver’s seat, exposing several electrical components with the wires ripped from their connections.

U.S. 70 (vandalism)

Someone reported vandalism at the Buckhead Creek Recreational Complex (8300 U.S. 70). The complainant found what appeared to be the word “GHOST” written on the outer door to the men’s restroom and on the door in the handicapped stall.

Unspecified address (fraud)

A woman said someone stole two blank checks from her home earlier this year. She suspects a friend of her granddaughter. The suspect has cashed one check and written another check, forging her signature.

Unspecified address (fraud)

A man reported a fraud case that started Oct. 1 with calls from someone claiming to be from Publishers Clearing House. The suspect said he’d won $2,500 and a new Mercedes, as well as $7,000 weekly for life and a first check of $8,500. He deposited the $8,500 check and followed the scammer’s directions to send $7,000 back via Western Union to an address that he doesn’t remember.

U.S. 64 (theft of property)

A woman dropped her black wallet while leaving Sam’s Club (8480 U.S. 64) around 4:50 p.m. Oct. 18. She returned around 5:30 p.m. and began asking around about her wallet. A witness in the parking lot said a man loading his car nearby tapped her window about 10 minutes earlier, asking her if the black wallet he found was hers. The witness said she told the man no, and he left in a four-door white truck.

Oct. 19

Summer Avenue (alarm call)

Officers responded to an alarm at Sun Shine Mart (6390 Summer Ave.), arriving at 1:23 a.m. and finding the entrance glass door shattered. They cleared the business and found that the area behind the checkout counter was ransacked. The business owner listed several items stolen from the business.

Magnolia Woods (vandalism)

A man said Oct. 19 that he found graffiti on his backyard’s aluminum shed on Oct. 14. The backyard is next to Freeman Park, which has had earlier incidents of vandalism.

Quailfield (fraud)

The victim reported that on Oct. 17 an unknown person used the victim’s PayPal account to order merchandise online and ship it to a Florida address in his name.

U.S. 64 (attempted theft from motor vehicle)

A woman found her vehicle damaged but nothing stolen while it was parked at Abuelo’s (8274 U.S. 64). The responding officer found that someone had punched the lock on the driver’s-side door. She said it happened between approximately 5 p.m. and 9:30 p.m.

Oct. 20

U.S. 64 (vandalism)

Someone keyed (scratched or gouged) the length of the passenger side on a man’s vehicle, damaging the paint. The incident happened between 7 a.m. and 11:30 a.m. while he was parked at Lowe’s (8300 U.S. 64) for his work.

Snowshoe Drive (theft)

Someone stole a 16-foot dual axle open trailer from a man’s home between 8 a.m. and 1 p.m. It was parked in the driveway and had a heavy-duty lock on the trailer tongue.

Hickory Creek Drive (fraud)

A man reported Oct. 20 that his fraud alert service,, alerted him on Oct. 18 that his identity might have been compromised. He found that someone had opened four accounts in his name on Oct. 17. The culprit accessed his information on Oct. 6 by paying TransUnion for a credit report.

Oct. 22

Pembroke Ellis Road (aggravated assault)

A woman having a Halloween party at her house confronted two attendees who she found in her bedroom, where they shouldn’t have been. One pushed her out of the way and left the room. She followed them outside to their car to confront them again. One pulled out a black handgun and then slammed the car door shut, with the two suspects speeding away from the house.