2 Shelby County volunteers honored for fire department work

Zach-Martin-and-Leah-StrickA community leader from north Shelby County and an Explorer with the Shelby County Fire Department were presented Tennessee Governor Bill Haslam’s Volunteer Stars Award at a March 9 ceremony in Franklin, Tenn.

They joined winners from the other 94 counties in Tennessee.

Leah Sticklin has worked for more than 25 years with the Northaven Community Association, helping lead efforts to track reports of crime and blight in the north Shelby County neighborhood.

Zach Martin is an Explorer with Post 343 that serves the Shelby County Fire Department.
Martin, of Bartlett, has worked almost five years alongside of Shelby County firefighters at fire stations and at fire scenes.

“I add my congratulations to the winners and thank them for their dedication. They exemplify the good work of volunteers who serve our community,” said Shelby County Mayor Mark H. Luttrell Jr.

For more information about the award, contact Eric Payne at (615) 253-8585.