150 years strong: Bartlett lays plans to celebrate sesquicentennial

Bart-city-hall-sesq-wBartlett’s roots go back a century and a half ago, and its citizens are marking the sesquicentennial with a year-long celebration.

City board member Paula Sedgwick chairs the committee that is coordinating events. Members include Debbie Gelineau, Mick Wright, Jason Sykes, Rachel Landsdown, Sue and Jack Coleman, and Shirley Jackson.

“We’re jsut excited to share some of our history with our citizens. Even though we’ve grown over the years tremendously, we stil have that hometown feel,” Gelineau said.

Bartlett had a population of about 500 as recently as the 1960s, and today it is a thriving city that is approaching 60,000 residents.

For more about the city’s history and plans to mark its 150th anniversary, look for a booth at the Bartlett Business Expo in March.

The first big sesquicentennial event will be in April, a historical event at the Bartlett Museum (the Gotten House). The committee is working this week to put the final touches on an events calendar throughout 2015.

Citizens who would like to share old photos of Bartlett and its residents can drop them off at Gelineau’s office at city hall or email copies to her at dgelineau@cityofbartlett.org for use in the Business Expo display.